December 2011

Another year has flown by and this Christmas the JOY! team invite you to celebrate the birth of our Saviour with us! We urge you to share the love of Christ with unsaved friends and family, shining His light brightly to everyone you meet!In this issue, read about Christ's miraculous birth, find advice on overbearing in-laws and see what our journalists learnt about Paul Verryn and the controversial Central Methodist Mission...On sale now! Don't miss out on your copy!
- When was Jesus Born?
- The Birthdate: Another Perpective
- Please Stop Fighting about Christmas
- Paul Verryn: Maverick Minister or Determined Disciple
- An Unlikely Marriage
- STI - The Stellenbosch Theological Institute
- The Essential Nature of Man
- Why You Shouldn't Marry Your Cousin
- The Silent Scream
- DVD Review: Not a Fan
- Hijacked! God Spared Me...
- Davis Love III: Giving Back to Other Golfers
- A New Year Awaits
- Overbearring-in-Laws
- My Miracle
- More than a Conqueror
- Who We are in Christ
- Karen Kingsbury Interview
- Summer Reading: Longing
Great Christmas idea - take out a Gift Subscription for a friend or loved one this month - and receive a free gift. Phone 021 852 4061 for more information.

November 2011

In this issue we learn about leadership, investigate rumours of Chrislam and find out what it means to love our adult children in today's world - a great read for both parents of adult children and their children alike! Most importantly, we draw our readers' attention to our brothers and sisters in Christ, who are martyred daily for their beliefs and confession of faith in Jesus. Don't miss your copy!KEY ARTICLES IN THIS ISSUE:

- The Demonization of Christianity
- Chrislam Exposé
- Sound Doctrine: Dr Chris Peppler
- The Ude of Genesis in the New Testament
- Open Doors: On the Frontlines of Persecution
- God's Love is Transforming India's Untouchables
- Hanging on by a Rope
- The Five Levels of Leadership: John Maxwell
- How to Really Love your Adult Child
- Suicide Alert: Counselling Advice
- In the Pain Move Towards God
- Celebrate Christmas with God TV
- 50 Years of African Enterprise
- Join our Family: Cycle for JOY!
- 50th Anniversary of the Full Gospel Tabernacle
- Nutrition: Sally-Ann Creed
- YFC: Camping for Christ
Available from retail stores countrywide or (a much better option) via a subscription for only R 240...including a FREE Cd or DVD! Subscribe today on 021 852 4061 or
If you don't see our magazine on a store shelf - please let us know. We need to get the Word out in the secular market place!

October 2011

The Rugby World Cup is in full swing, and in keeping with this, we have an  'action packed' exciting and adventurous issue for our readers. Pierre Spies, Tendai 'Beast' Mtawarira and Jonathan Byrd all share compelling testimonies of God's faithfulness. And that's not all, in this issue we also have a special 17 page Gap Year feature!KEY ARTICLES IN THIS ISSUE INCLUDE:
-Pierre Spies: Man of Faith, Family and Triumph
-Skeptics Answered: Why Does God not Stop all the Suffering?
-End Times
-Hope: God is Near in Your Trials
-The Lost Discipline of Fasting
-Tendai 'Beast' Mtawarira
-Is Man a Spiritualised Hominid?
-Waiting on the Lord
-Men and the Midlife Crisis
-Christ Crucified, The Power and Wisdom of God
-Breakfast on the Bismarck
Don't miss out on your copy! Available from retail stores countrywide or (a much better option) via a subscription for only R 240...including a FREE Cd or DVD! Subscribe today on 021 852 4061 or

September 2011

Ps Harold and Maud Weitsz are anointed pastors who lead their church and the ministry with integrity and prophetic accuracy. Harold's teachings are deeply impactful and should be read and heard by as many people as possible. Our latest issue has an indepth interview with the couple.We also have many other exciting and interesting articles as well as details on our JOY! Valentine's Cruise for next year. Email for more info. or for our tour to Israel.
- Ps Harold and Maud Weitsz
- 9 Most Unique Churches
- Norway Shooting: The Untold Story
- The Comparison Trap
- Skeptics Answered: Whatever Happened to Sin?
- Unanswered Prayer
- My Encounter with Jesus on the Moon
- Grieving with Hope
- The ‘Lost’ Years of Jesus in India
- Living in the Fullness of God’s Faithfulness
- Wheels for the Word
- Adjusting to Menopause

And much more! Subscribe today on 021 852 4061 or

August 2011

It's Women's Month and JOY! is celebrating with a bumper issue of exciting articles, testimonies, stories and free give aways. We also feature our JOY! Valentine's Cruise from 13 - 17 Feb 2012...and encourage all married couples, singles and elderly folk to join us for a wonderful, affordable Christian holiday. Email for more info.KEY ARTICLES IN THIS ISSUE

- Getting to Know the Real Joyce Meyer
- Communion: the Cup of Life
- Is There Life on Other PLanets?
- Seasons in Marriage
- 7 Things Your Teen Needs to Know
- Counselling the Terminally Ill
- The Doctrine of the Trinity Explained
- Hope for Troubled Times
- Creation on a Canvas
- Origin and Purpose of Spiritual Conflict
- Overcoming Wrong Mindsets
- Are You Guilty of Ignoring the Destitute?
And much more! Subscribe this month and apart from a FREE GIFT of your choice, you could also win a Silver PLated Communion Set! email now

July 2011

This month we have an 'action packed' interesting and exciting JOY! for our readers. In fact...we think this may be our best issue ever! Don't miss your copy - available from retail stores countrywide or (a much better option) via a subscription for only R 240...including a FREE Cd or DVD. What a deal!
- Bear Grylls: God's Ultimate Survivor
- Rob Bell Controversy continued (a follow up addressing reader's concerns on our Rob Bell No Hell article in June issue)
- Hell and Judgement: Traits of a Loving God?
- Israel Special Feature
- What Can Harold Camping Teach Us?
- Son's Miracle Healing
- Dealing with Addiction
- Laughter, Medicine for the Soul
- Counselling People with Terminal Illness
- Satan: A Witness to Creation
- Winning the Vikings to Christ
- Zimbabwe: The Constant Stress of Simple Survival

And much more! Subscribe today on 021 852 4061 or

June 2011

Rob Bell's latest book has caused a huge stir on the international stage, with Christian theologians coming out in full force against the book. What does it say? How does it confirm or contradict the Bible? Read our JUNE Father's Day issue for all the answers. Don't miss out on this one!KEY ARTICLES IN THIS ISSUE:
- Rob Bell: No Hell
- Universalism as a Lure? The Emerging Case of Rob Bell
- What is Universalism?
- The Dangers of Post-Modern Theology
- What is God’s Purpose with False Teaching? John Piper
- Skeptics Answered: What About Hypocrites in The Church?
- The New Covenant Series: Part Four
- The New Jerusalem
- A Cruel Punishment: Amazing Testimony of a Prisoner on Death Row
- A Sweet Surprise is Hidden inside Your Worst Trial: J. Lee Grady
- Father’s Teach Your Children
- Lessons from a ‘Stay @ Home’ husband
- Branded By Grace: Chippy Brand
- The Rocks Speak of Him
- Explore Paternoster
- Christian Camping
- A Year of Living Adventurously: Gap Year Feature
- A Sub 3 Hour Argus and The Tour de Boland: Cycle4JOY!
- The Value of Psychological Assessments
- Walking in Victory

AND MUCH MORE! Bless your dad or granddad with a JOY! gift subscription for Father's Day. If you don't see our magazine on a store shelf - please let us know. We need to get the Word out in the secular market place!

May 2011

This month we celebrate Mothers - so don't forget to bless your mom with a JOY! gift subscription for Mother's Day.KEY ARTICLES IN THIS ISSUE:
- Jennifer Rothschild: One Woman’s Incredible Vision
- Skeptics Answered: Does God Cause Natural Disasters?
- A Civilisation in Crisis
- Our Call to Commitment
- The War For The Millennial Generation: J. Lee Grady
- Christ the Healer
- ‘Sleep’. What Happens When We Die?
- The Bondage Breaker
- The New Covenant Series: Part Three
- Message From Jesus
- Purging Your House, Pruning Your Family Tree
- King David: The Atonement Story
- Faith @ Work: Tehillah Art
- Self Sabotage
- Counselling - at the Heart of Discipleship
- The 4/14 Window: Reaching Children for Christ
- The Divorce Safari

AND MUCH MORE! Please subscribe to JOY! and if you don't see our magazine on a store shelf - please let us know. We need to get the Word out in the secular market place!

April 2011

Easter is the most sacred time of the Christian Calendar. It is a time that we worship and adore Christ for His sacrifice on the Cross - His death that bought us eternal life. It is a time that we commit ourselves to His service, and that we spread the Gospel of Good News. Buy your JOY! Magazine this Easter and use it as an evangelism tool for reaching others.
- How Do We Know Jesus is Alive?
- How the Resurrection Broke Eden's Curse
- The Middle East Crisis: A Wake-up Call to Christians
- St Patrick: Not the Patron Saint of Pubs!
- Top 10 Influential Christian Leaders
- The Lost Art of Respect
- The Way of Balaam: Anglican Theologian Speaks Out on False Teachings
- Resurrection is the Blessed Hope
- Tackling the Spread of Pornography
- The Motivational Gifts
- A Heartfelt Plea from a Non-believing Daughter
- Dare2Share: Intimacy tips for Your Marriage
- Forgiveness: Our Lenten Burial

AND MUCH MORE! Please subscribe to JOY! and if you don't see our magazine on a store shelf - please let us know. We need to get the Word out in the secular market place!

February/March 2011

It is the month of LOVE...! And our prayer at JOY! Magazine is that you will know the Father's love for you. The unconditional love of God - so much so, that He sent His son to die for you. Wow. What a mighty God we serve!! With technology taking over the world (and being responsible for governments toppling as we have seen in Egypt recently) we have put together a great Cover story with Craig & Amy Groeschel - the Tech Savvy pastors. Read about them in the Feb/March issue on sale NOW!
- The Christian Atheist
- Christianity & Psychology: Are they Mutually Compatible?
- Skeptics Answered Series: Is Religion a Crutch for the Weak?
- Healing Spiritual Wounds
- My Miracle Healing
- Dignify Your Trials: RT Kendall 
- Dealing with Discouragement
- Bobbie Houston: Uniting a Sisterhood
- Wisdom and Understanding
- The Fatal Flaw with Radio Active Dating
- Your Words Have Power
- Solving the Root Cause of Drug Abuse

And so much more! Please subscribe to JOY! We need your support. Call 021 852 4061 for more info.