Dear Friend,

Jeremiah 8 v 21 – 22 reads as follows:

“For the hurt of the daughter of my people I am hurt.  I am mourning; astonishment has taken hold of me.  Is there no balm in Gilead, is there no physician there?  Why then is there no recovery for the health of the daughter of my people?”

This passage forms part of a heartfelt lament by the prophet Jeremiah for the nation of Judah.  It is an exquisite picture of a servant of God who has adopted the heart of the Father.  The nation of Judah was corrupt and sinful, they had turned their backs on God and bowed before pagan idols.  In the modern age, when Christians fall short and backslide, they are so often ostracised by their brethren, judged for their faults and deemed unworthy.  This is not the heart of God.  Failings and flaws do not repel God.  Instead, they draw Him to the one who is weak and downtrodden. 

Do enjoy the testimony below.  Healed the moment she entered the crusade venue, the story of Patricia is one that plainly declares the eagerness of God to turn our mourning into dancing, and to transform our bondages into glorious freedom!

Yours in Christ,

Tamryn Klintworth


Patricia Nklabatu was ecstatic.  “I am so happy,” she shouted, “This is the best day of my life!”  A resident of Diepsloot, Patricia praised and exalted the Lord as she celebrated her healing.

For three years, Patricia had a chronic kidney infection that left her hopeless and jobless.  Despite her frequent trips to and from hospital, the doctors she consulted could not assist her.  They insisted there was no treatment for her ailment.  Her life was in disarray.  She had been forced to resign from her previous employment at Shoprite Checkers, the cold fridges worsening her illness.  Patricia is a single mother.  Losing her job further complicated her situation, not being able to financially sustain either herself or her son.  Hearing about the upcoming In His Name crusade at a local church, Patricia was eager to attend, believing that God would perform a miracle in her body.  “I am a child of God,” she explained.  “When I heard about the crusade I said to myself, ‘I will go.  Maybe this is my chance to be healed.’” 

Yes indeed, Patricia received her healing.  In fact, as she entered the crusade venue, the praise and worship loud and jubilant, the pain disappeared.  What a miracle!  The Gospel had not yet been preached and the sick had not yet been prayed for.  The Holy Spirit was so eager to set her free, that he banished that sickness the moment her foot touched the crusade ground.  “I have been in pain for a long time,” she testified, “but when I entered this place, the pain left.  I have been healed!  Glory be to God!”

Our God is a miracle-working God.  Our difficulties are only platforms for the manifestation of His grace, power and love.  Patricia could not stop rejoicing.  “From now on,” she said, “I want to be a strong woman of God.  If possible, I will become a preacher.”  Go for it Patricia, we are rejoicing together with you!

Tamryn is the founder of In His Name Ministries, an evangelistic organisation dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout Africa and the world. Find her on Facebook under Tamryn Klintworth or visit the ministry website at: