Motivatioal Gifts: Ruling & Mercy
The gift of ruling/administration depicts one who gives leadership by working with and through others.Unlike servers, leaders do not take joy in the task themselves. They motivate and inspire other people to a common goal. They help the body define and carry out its goals and tasks by providing leadership.Biblical examples: Nehemiah (Neh 1-7) and Joseph (Gen 37-50).
Characteristics of a ruler
• They have an ability to see the overall picture/vision and to clarify long-range goals. They can put long-range goals into their short-range context
• They are motivated to organise what they are responsible for. They are not pushy; they do not rush in where they are not responsible. They motivate those around them to complete the task
• They desire to complete the task at hand as quickly as possible
• They look for resources to complete the task
• They have an ability to know what can or cannot be delegated. They also know who will do a job well
• They have a tendency to stand on the sidelines until those in charge hand responsibility over to them
• They have a tendency to assume leadership if none exists
• They have a willingness to endure reactions from workers. Their drive is to complete the task
• They are economical
• They get fulfilment in seeing all the pieces coming together and others enjoying the finished product
• They desire to move onto a new challenge when the last one is completed
• They prefer to be under authority, and knowing the boundaries they work in, they understand authority structures
• They have zeal and enthusiasm for whatever task in which they are involved.
a) Their ability to delegate may appear to be laziness to avoid work
b) Their willingness to endure reaction may appear as callousness
c) Their neglect to explain why tasks must be done may prompt workers to feel that they are being misused. Ruler-motivated people need to encourage and exhort the people with whom they are working
d) They view people as resources – this may cause it to appear that projects are more important than people
e) Their desire to complete a task quickly may appear insensitive to the schedule, weariness, or priorities of workers.
How their counsel will help you
Their counsel will help you by pointing out mismanagement of time, or procedure, in accomplishing goals. Good planning is something each one of us needs to do. We all need vision, purpose and goals for our lives. They help us to remain focused. They provide well organised leadership.
As servers are ‘doers’, so mercy-motivated people are ‘feelers’. They are very sensitive people. This gift encompasses compassion, pity, gentleness and forbearance. It aims at helping people by empathising with them and doing good things for them. God weeps, laughs and feels with us. Their special gift is to ‘feel’ or sense where people are and to reach out in a supportive and compassionate way. They have a gift to sense when a person has heart-ache, hurt, anguish and fear. They can identify it, and begin to minister into the situation. Like givers, mercy-motivated people are quick to detect insincerity. Their spirit is closed to the insensitive or hard-hearted. A Biblical example: Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-15)
Characteristics of a mercy motivated person
• They have ability to feel depression in an individual or group
• They are drawn to help/understand people in distress
• They want to remove hurts and bring healing to others
• They have a greater concern for mental distress than physical distress
• They are sensitive to words and actions that will hurt others
• They have an ability to discern the sincere motives in people
• They avoid firmness unless they see how it will bring benefit. They will only be firm if they really see a need for it
• They experience enjoyment and unity with those who are sensitive to people’s need. They stick together
• They close their spirit to those who are insensitive or insincere
• They look for the good in other people
• They like to help people have reconciliatory relationships
• They are trustworthy and trusting
• They will intercede for other people’s hurt and problems.
a) Their avoidance of firmness may appear as weakness and indecisiveness
b) Their sensitivity to the Spirit and the feelings of others makes them appear to be guided by emotion instead of logic
c) Their attraction and understanding of those in distress may be misinterpreted by the opposite sex
d) Their sensitivity to words and actions which cause hurts may appear to be taking up another’s offense
e) Their ability to detect insincere motives may cause some to feel that they are hard to get to know.
How their counsel will help you
Their counsel will help you to discern areas where others may be hurting and the need for sensitivity. Those with the gift of mercy are exhorted to minister with cheerfulness. It is common for mercy motivated people to be ‘moody’. They cannot hide behind their mercy motivation with depression. People with this gift may easily repress their feelings, especially men. They may be tempted to turn inward and become depressed. Since they ‘feel’ deeply, they can also be easily hurt. Their very gift prohibits them from being ‘tough’. So if you are mercy motivated, make sure that you keep yourself in the joy of the Lord, understanding that “the joy of the Lord is your strength” Nehemiah 8:10.
See next month’s issue for the follow-up article in the Motivational Gifts series.