December 2007

Another year has flown by and this Christmas the JOY! team invite you to celebrate the birth of our Saviour with us! We urge you to share the love of Christ with unsaved friends and family, shining His light brightly to everyone you meet!In this issue, read about Christmas in a rehab, find advice on raising secure kids and see what our journalists learnt about Darwin's deadly legacy.
On sale now! Don't miss out on your copy!
- How Great Is Our God
- Happy Holy Christmas
- Christmas in a Rehab
- Darwin's Deadly Legacy
- University 'Brainwashing'
- Raising Secure Kids in a Tough World
- The Homeless are People too!
- Blessing, the Lost Chord of Christianity
- Fight to preserve Anglican Tradition
- Marriage Gifts for Christmas
- Dance for Joy
- Activities to Enrich Your Family
- The Holy Land Experience
- Friom Brokenness to Blessing
- Maak 'n Verskil, Vandag nog
- Radiogolwe met Hardus Zevenster
- Ingred Pickhard, Christen Matriarg
- Drag vir Joy!
Great Christmas idea - take out a Gift Subscription for a friend or loved one this month - and receive a free gift. Phone 021 852 4061 for more information.

November 2007

Get your copy of our November magazine ASAP! Tthis issue is jam-packed with exciting news, interviews and Christian teachings. We tribute Dr D James Kennedy in our cover story, speaking of how he has impacted the world. A must read for all men and woman.
- Dr. D James Kennedy- Impacted the World
- 23 Minutes in Hell
- Tutu Compromises the Gospel
- Billy Graham - Greatest Evangelist of our Time
- Missions' Dark Secret
- Reality TV Romance
- Barak Obama - Should Christians vote for a Democrat?
- Pray for the Persecuted: You can Change the World
- Resolving Conflict
- Growing Old isn't for Sissies
- You have what it Takes
- Bill Bathman: Missionary to the Persecuted
- Wat Gaan Ann in Die NG Kerk?
- Gospel Skouspel
- Die Gay Kwessie
- Retha McPherson
And much more! Subscribe today for a friend.

September/October 2007

Spring is almost in the air and with it comes a new season of refreshing, growth, regeneration and joy. Hopefully from reading JOY! each month you will experience the same process: refreshing from the Word, growth from challenging articles, regeneration from Spirit-filled, Bible based teaching and joy from being part of the greater Body of Christ. This month we have exciting articles for you including:KEY ARTICLES IN THIS ISSUE:
- Willie and Natasha Joubert- United in Love and Purpose
- Dobson Officially Denounces Harry Potter
- The Battle for Your Bibles
- Knock Knock, who's There? Jehovah's Witnesses
- Help - I'm a Hypocrite
- Every Step Helps - Building a Healthy Stepfamily
- Not Ashamed of the Gospel
- The Legacy of One Man
- John, Jesus' Trusted Disciple
- 'I Do' Means Forever
- Restoring Wholeness - The Promise of God

Buy your copy on sale countrywide NOW or better yet, please subscribe to JOY! and support us.

August 2007

August celebrates Women's Month and we honour women in this issue with a range of inspiring articles and interviews. We speak to Darlene Zschech about her music, ministry and her trip to South Africa.There are several great features guaranteed to bless the entire family.

- How Should The Church respond to Zimbabwe?
- Zimbabwe's Struggling Pensioners
- I battle Bi-polar Disorder
- The Destiny of Darlene Zschech
- Chrisitan Liberation of Woman
- Catching up with Lyndie McCauley
- Should Chrisitan's Litigate?
- Understanding Love
- The "Ex" Factor
- Die Woord is Waar - Danie en Daleen Botha
- Kerk vs satan en homosekualisme - Johan Kriel
- Onderhoud met Else Grey
Why not subscribe for the special lady in your life this August? Email to get your copy!!

July 2007

If we don't shine for God - who will? This is a question we present to you in this new issue of JOY! How do you manage your anger? Do you have integrety in the workplace...these articles much like many others in JOY! are written to challenge your thinking and share with you God's desire for our lives.Reading this month's JOY! Magazine will motivate you to live a life of praise to God.
- Bobbie Houston: My Story
- The Heart of the Gospel
- Hospitality: Love in Action
- Willowcreek SA Celebrates 10 years
- Mighty Men Conference
- Europe and America are in Grave Danger
- Apologetics - The Key to Reclaiming the Culture
- Are You A Modern-day Pirate?
- Inspired by the Hands of God
- Rob Rusconi: Dared to Stand Up
- Integrety in the Workplace
- How to Manage Anger
- Making Peace in the Home
- The Caring Church
- Juanita Bynum - International Personality

Buy your copy on sale countrywide NOW or better yet, please subscribe to JOY! and support us.

June 2007

There is nothing better than Christian role models living flat out for God - free of controversy and celebrity pride. American Superbowl hero Tony Dungy is just that- and our cover story this month, perfectly in time for Father's Day!KEY ARTICLES IN THIS ISSUE:
- Tony Dungy - God's Superbowl Hero
- The Marketing of Evil
- The Responsibility of Branding Yourself
- Are We Rushing to Armegeddon
- Failing to Do Good
- Teenagers, Why Do They Do It?
- Dressing Like a Believer
- Lawlessness - The Sudan Red Dye Blame Game
- As go the Schools - So go the Nation
- Cooking with Joy
- Lessons I have learnt From my Child
- Evangelise! Perservere!
- The Value of Memorising Scripture
- Knowing the Difference, Makes All the Difference
- Every Home for Christ
A great gift for a Godly Father! Don't miss out on your copy available in retail stores nationwide. Subscribe today at or give us a call at 021 852 4061

April/May 2007

It is amazing to see that JOY! is just over a year old! In this issue we are confronting a major moral issue with regards to the advertising billboards popping up in the major cities. We also talk to Solly Ozrovech and his inspiring life.KEY ARTICLES IN THIS ISSSUE:
- Solly Ozrovech: An Inspired Life
- Who Killed Jesus?
- Scoffers and Mockers
- Astrology, Christianity and Common Sense
- ZAPIRO Deserves an Answer
- Perverted Persuasion
- The Confident Woman
- True Servanthood
- The New Tolerance
- True Servanthood
- Vinesong
And much more! Don't miss out, get your JOY! Magazine today. If you can't find it in a store near you, please call our offices for info. Or Subscribe for only R 240 and get a FREE gift!

February/March 2007

God never planned for us to just exist and become pride-filled, to take creation for granted and do what we want in the time allocated to us. This issue will challenge you to live a life that pleases God and shines a light to non-believers around us, living for a greater purpose.KEY ARTICLES IN THIS ISSSUE:
- Meet John and Lisa Bevere
- God, Government and the Ten Commandments
- School Sports Spiralling Out of Control
- Canned Lion Hunting - A National Disgrace
- The Myth of ADD Biblically Redefined
- Reviving the Christian Work Ethic
- Discipline or Disorder
- Designer Babies
- Pastor Won't Marry Us
- Five Moral Fences
- Divorce - Arch-Enemy and Destroyer of our Social Stability
- Reaching the World for Jesus
And much more! Don't miss out, get your JOY! Magazine today. If you can't find it in a store near you, please call our offices for info.