September 2008

Spring is in the air, and at JOY! we are encouraging our readers to spring clean their lives. Submit yourself to the Lord, delight in His ways and read His Word diligently. It can only do you good!

- Mercy or Judgement: the Christian Response to Sin
- Teen Depression
- Building Trust in Marriage
- For the Love of My Brother: Kidney Transplant Story
- Gap Year Feature: what you/your child needs to know
- Why Did God Give Us 4 Different Gospels?
- It's All Worship
- 5 Fold Ministry (The Apostle): Miki Hardy
- Why Do People Interpret the Bible From Different Perspectives?
- Abortion: Mother's Anger Turns to Delight
- The Apostle Paul: Mighty Warrior For Christ
- The Hansie Movie: Exclusive Review


- Gaan Maak Dissipels
- Niks is Ontmoontlik vir My God Nie: Onderhoud met Louis Koen
- Volmaak vir Jesus