October 2008

Christianity came under serious attack this month when Moreleta Park NG Kerk experienced an onslaught of media attention over what they deemed a controversial decision. Read all about it in the October issue.KEY ARTICLES IN THIS ISSUE:
- God vs Science
- How to Play Second Fiddle
- Hurt by Fake Fellowship
- Why is there Confusion About Christianity?
- Repent!
- The Names of God
- Help! My Teen Thinks I am the Enemy!
- How to Discern a Move of God
- 5 Fold Ministry (The Prophet): Miki Hardy
- The Mountains of God
- Testimony of Sabiha Izaks: Saved from Suicide
- Your Marriage on Display
- Travelling Evangelism
- The Marketing of Evil


- Om te Emigreer of Nie
- Moelike Tye
- Oorwine Jou Hindernisse: Angus Buchan