September 2012

This month we speak to Louie Giglio, modern-day theologian, just before his visit to SA for the Passion World Tour. In this challenging issue of JOY! we also look at how to save your marriage and how to live your life beyond the mediocure expectations of the culture in which we live. Powerful topics that are not to be missed!KEY ARTICLES IN THIS ISSUE:
- What Does the Bible Really Say?- The Arab Spring - More like a Bitter Winter- Batmania: America's Culture of Death- Christian's Under Fire at Stellenbosch University- Converge 2012 Conference- Demographic Winter: The Culture of Life vs The Culture of Death- Preach the Gospel and Because It's Necessary, Use Words- The End-Time Church- We Must Invest in the Timothy Generation- Youth Ministry Man : Chad Daniels- An Enemy Called Average- Effective Public Speaking- Paul's Thorn- Victorious Living - Miracle Twins- What is Courage?- Trevor Hudson: Discovering the Spirit- Golfing for JOY! Hendrik Buhrmann- Healing Broken Lives- Why Study Psychology?
- How to Save your Marriage- Ancient Oils: Olive Oil
Don't miss out on your copy! Available in retail stores nationwide, or via a subscription for only R 240 including a FREE CD or DVD! Subscribe today at or give us a call at 021 852 4061
God bless!