We are well into the year and it seems that most people are excited about what the Lord will do in 2008. That is why JOY! Magazine is committed to bringing the uncompromised, life-giving Gospel to all our readers, through relevant, practical and exciting articles.Our Feb/March issue is full of challenging, interesting and thought-provoking stores. Don't miss out!
- Darwin's Deadly Legacy Debate Continues
- Glen and Michelle Robertson, Pastoring and all that Jazz
- Dr. Tertius and Trudy Venter Aboad the Anastasis Mercy Ship
- Should Christian's Retire?
- A Vision for All - Bill Hybels
- Disturbing Mobile Church Trends
- 12 Marriage Killers
- Seeing God through Optometry
- Disturbing Trend, The Mobile Church Culture
- Prosperity in Christ
- Briewe aan die Redekteur
- Het ons nog Respek vir God en sy Woord?
- 'n Ware Aanbidder
- My Roomys - pienk roos, Jy is baie Spesiaal: Ymile Kennedy
- Radio Golwe met Hardus Zevenster: Monument tot eer van God
And much more! Get your copy today, available in stores countrywide.