April 2010

Easter is the most holiest event on the Christian Calender, and JOY! is passionate about honouring the Lord Jesus through our cover pics at Easter. This striking picture is a statute of Jesus and sets the tone for an inspiring, challenging and Biblical issue of JOY!KEY ARTICLES IN THIS ISSUE:

- Easter is Not About Bunnies, It's About Jesus
- The Resurrection of Christ
- The Cross
- Deception
- The Work of Angels With Believers
- Michael W. Smith Live in SA!
- The Marriage Covenant
- Psalm 23 for Cancer Sufferers
- Cancer Testimony
- When Is It Okay To Leave a Church?
- Dealing With Trauma
- The Sin of Covetousness
- A Message for The Church
- What To Do If Your Child is Being Bullied

Also, in this issue we are introducing our NEW 16 Page Worship Today Section and including several Today Magazine contributers - as we have taken over that magazine. There will not be a stand alone publication of Today, rather it is included in JOY!
God bless!