Corruption and Greed

by: Peter Hammond
The African Union calculates that every year over US$148 Billion is stolen from the continent by its leaders. That works out to more than a quarter of the continent’s entire Gross Domestic Product lost to corruption every single year. The World Bank reports that 40% of Africa’s private wealth is held offshore. Global Financial Integrity calculates that Africa has lost well over US$900 Billion since 1970. That is far in excess of total Development Assistance given to Africa during that same time. More than US$300 Billion of Western aid has been sunk into Africa, yet most states are effectively bankrupt, weighed down by debt, and failing to provide even minimum public services.

Trade not aid
The president of Rwanda, Paul Kagame, advocates trade – not aid. Kagame is
convinced that it is essential for Africa to end dependency on foreign aid, as
foreign aid fuels corruption. Corruption is the second most prevalent crime
on the continent. Leaders need to become more accountable to the taxpayers;
more auditors are needed. Anti-corruption reforms are essential. As leaders steal
seven times more than the total value of foreign aid poured into Africa each year,
it is clear that far more valuable than any foreign aid would be to end the endemic corruption which is looting the resources of this great continent. Stealing from everyone Most African countries today have lower per capita incomes than they had at independence. More than half of Africa’s total population live on less than US$2 per day. Nahu Ribadu, the former head of Nigeria’s Anti-Corruption Commission, has declared that the best way to attack poverty is to attack corruption. The prerequisite to all efficient and effective government is the eradication of corruption. Corruption prevents a country from realising its potential. Corruption steals from everyone. It is calculated that every one of us pays at least 20% more for goods and services because of the costs of corruption.
Corruption impoverishes
Corruption discourages investment, retards development and increases costs to the consumer. As Robert Guest, the African Editor of The Economist observes in ‘The Shackled Continent’: “For half a century now, the continent has been deluged with aid, but this aid has failed to make Africans any less poor, it has bankrolled tyrants or idealists with hopeless economic policies, both types of aid have been wasted; doing business in Africa can be tricky. Bad roads, punctuated by roadblocks, manned by bribehungry policemen, make it slow and costly to move goods, even short distances. Local firms, meanwhile, have been held back by arbitrary government regularities, dysfunctional legal systems and the difficulty for those without political connections, of raising capital. If Africa was better governed it would be richer.”
Predatory Officials
Guest’s conclusion: “Africans are poor largely because they are not yet free. They live under predatory, incompetent governments which… impoverish them in many ways: through corruption, through bad economic policies, and sometimes, as in Zimbabwe, by creating an atmosphere of terror…”
Many scandals
The former president of Cricket SA has been engulfed in a corruption crisis. The Arms Deal of 1999 continues to make headlines, along with the Travelgate abuse of public finances by members of parliament. The conviction on corruption charges of former National Police Commissioner, (and ex-president of Interpol), the Chief of Police suspended for corruption investigations, and traffic police under investigation for buying illegal licences are all examples of unscrupulous politicians who squander taxpayers money with impunity, stealing from the poor, in the name of uplifting the poor and endemic.
One person can make a difference
Under Nahu Ribadu, Nigeria’s Economic and Financial Crimes Commission secured 250 convictions and recovered over US$5 Billion in stolen public funds.
Stealing from the poor
Every week our newspapers are awash with scandals about elected
officials and ‘public servants’ extravagant lifestyles and outrageous
expenditures. Yet, despite the state raking in over R600 Billion in taxes each
year they continually run at a deficit. Taxpayers wonder where all this money
is going when there are so many schools without books, children taught in
the open air, hospitals short of medicines and hospital patients going hungry
because the provincial government has not paid the service providers.
Looted treasury
The Auditor General of South Africa reported over R20 Billion in unauthorised spending for the last fiscal year. Only 3 of 39 government departments had clean audits. The Special Investigating Unit reports that at least R30 Billion was lost to government corruption last year. The finances of 5 provinces in South Africa are in severe disarray. Heading the list of provinces spending way beyond their means was Limpopo Province. Even with over R2 Billion overspent, the Limpopo government was not able to pay doctors, nurses, teachers, social workers, and other public sector employees.
Theft by inflation
A survey on inflation in South Africa (undertaken by Old Mutual), reported that in 1971 you could buy a car for about R1000. In 1981, the same amount of money would buy a motorbike. By 2001, the buying power of R1000 had so collapsed, that you could buy a bicycle. Now a good pair of running shoes could cost over R1 000. “Skimping the measure, boosting the price and cheating with dishonest scales…I will never forgive.” Amos 8:5-7 The devastating impact of unbacked currency/inflation on pensions and savings is criminal. Biblical Law requires that we use honest scales and honest weights – honest money backed by real constant value (Prov 20:10). “Shall I count pure those with the wicked balances,
and with the bag of deceitful weights? For her rich men are full of violence, her inhabitants have spoken lies, and their tongue is deceitful in their mouth.” Micah
6: 11,12
Why corruption increases
“Why do people commit crimes so readily? Because crime is not punished quickly enough.” Ecc 8:11. Surely that is the common sense answer. Corruption is increasing in our society because criminals are not punished swiftly enough. God has instituted civil government as “an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the
wrongdoer” Rom 13:4. Civil government is called to be a minister of God’s justice: “To punish those who do wrong” 1 Pet 2:14.
In cases of theft, arson, or malicious damage to property, the Bible decrees restitution, the restoration of what was stolen to the owner. It is reparation for injury, or damage to property. The Bible requires that restitution goes entirely to the victim of the crime (Exodus22:3-6).
If the provinces were commercial enterprises, they would have been declared insolvent and liquidated to settle their debts. All too many politicians seem to view positions in government as an opportunity to enrich themselves at the public’s expense. The toxic mixture of politics, business and greed is sabotaging development, costing jobs and eroding the economy.
Corruption Worldwide
But this is not a problem only for the world. Patrick Johnstone of Operation World reports in The Future of the Global Church, that of US$ 390 Billion given to  Christian causes worldwide, $25 Billion was embezzled. Up to 20% of the global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is spent on bribery, over US$1 Trillion a year. Up to 50% of all aid to developing countries is stolen before it can reach its intended recipients. Worldwide, an estimated US$400 Billion is lost to corruption. Every year over 10% of humankind are forced to pay a bribe.
Probably the greatest corruption and theft in history was perpetrated by bankers (now often labelled Banksters) who triggered the Great Recession of 2008, through unethical speculation and selling of worthless derivatives. The cost to the US economy was over 135% of its GDP. The cost to the United Kingdom was over 149% of its total GDP. The only people who have benefited from the Depression caused by the irresponsible speculative bubble, have been the Banksters themselves. “The Lord abhors dishonest scales, but accurate weights are His delight.” Proverbs 11:1
The cost of crime
It is estimated that approximately one third of all business failures each year can be traced to employee theft. Of course, when businesses close down, employees lose their jobs and families suffer. Yet it is estimated that almost half of all employees are guilty of stealing (often called shrinkage!). Now, obviously somebody has to pay for the cost of all this theft. You and I, and all other customers, have to share the burden of the Billions of Rands shoplifted, or stolen, by employees, or embezzled by civil servants. In addition, we have to pay for the increased insurance premiums, the additional security personnel and equipment necessitated by this stealing spree. It all gets added to the price tag of everything we buy. Of course, we also pay for the cost of crime through our taxes, and when supporting the police force, the legal and judicial system, and the prison service, which are all meant to protect us from the criminalelements of society.
Christian integrity
As Christians we are called to the highest standards of integrity. We are not to fuel the corruption industry by giving in to pressure to pay bribes, or award contracts on the basis of political connections. Crime can be combatted and corruption can be eradicated if those who claim to be Christians will live according to Biblical principles. A friend of mine in Zambia, Lawrence Temfwe, worked in a bank and over the years embezzled money from it. When he was caught, he was
sentenced to prison. There he was converted to Christ and after serving his sentence in prison, worked to re-pay the bank all that he had stolen from it. Now, according to the laws of the land, he had done the crime and paid the time. No one was expecting anything more from him. However, Lawrence knew from the Scriptures that he was responsible to make full restitution. What a testimony when he re-paid the bank! Lawrence Temfwe went on to become the head of Prison Fellowship in Zambia.“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.” Ephesians 5:11
Dr. Peter Hammond has been a missionary for over 30 years. Tel: 021 689 4480, or see

Tim Tebow: Disciple and Superstar

by: Nico Bougas
Hardened secular journalists have admitted that he brings a refreshing new dimension to the sport’s world plagued by scandals, corruption and inflated egos. Tim Tebow is more than just a sports prodigy. He’s a cultural phenomenon. Coming from a Christian home-schooled background, he has drawn the curiosity of the world of sports not only for his extraordinary athletic ability, but for his bold convictions of faith on and off the field. Even his prayerful pose after successful plays have been coined ‘Tebowing’.

What a witness!
Tebow first came into prominence whilst at university in Florida. College football is huge in the USA with thousands attending each game and millions more watching on TV. Tebow took advantage of this interest by painting references to Bibleverses in black swaths under each eye. Amongst his favourites were Phil
4:13, Eph 2:8 and John 3:16. When University of Florida won the College championship in 2009, Tebow had the reference John 3:16 in the final
game and as a result, more than 90 million people googled John 3:16. What a witness!

Compelling statistics
As a result, officials banned all advertising and messages from being painted on the faces of the players. This has now been called the ‘Tebow rule’, which has also been adopted in the professional league. But the impact remains. Even though Tebow was unable to use the Scripture reference, previews and flashbacks to his college days reminded fans of the verse. After an electrifying playoff win against the Pittsburgh Steelers in overtime, John 3:16 was reportedly the most popular search term on the Internet. Remarkably, during the game with all eyes on him, Tebow passed for precisely 316 yards and averaged 31.6 yards per completed pass. The television viewing audience for the last 15 minutes of the game was
31.6 percent. This only added to the mystique as Google reported another
94 million searches within a 24 hour period.So big was the story, in fact, that major news outlets like CNN ran the text of John 3:16 in its entirety: “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” The Billy Graham Association took out an advert that provided a link which explained the way of salvation to all those searching John 3:16. Then Focus on the Family took out a TV advert featuring a group of kids reciting John 3:16 entirely.
Taking a bold stand
Tim Tebow has used his fame to the benefit of the unborn, most notably by appearing in a pro-life advert during the Superbowl produced by Focus on the Family last year. This event has the highest viewership of any TV programme. The advert caused some controversy as pro-choice advocates fumed that this was inappropriate advertising at a sporting event. (They would rather promote alcoholic products which ruin lives than an advert that saves lives!).
Born to missionary parents
Tim’s parents, Bob and Pam, moved to the Philippines in 1985 with their four children in order to become missionaries. Today, the Bob Tebow Evangelistic Association continues to minister in the Pacific nation of 92 million. The youngest Tebow – Tim – was born there in 1987. At a recent outreach to more than 20 000 people, Tebow recounted his journey of faith: “I still remember when I was a little boy lying in my bed, and even though I had been to church and devotionals and all sorts of things, I realised that if I was in a car accident and died, I would go to hell.” This sobering reality pierced his young heart and mind. “I couldn’t sleep that night,” he admitted. After tossing and turning in the darkness, Tim got up at dawn and bolted to his parents’ room. “I grabbed my mom and said, ‘I want to ask Jesus into my heart!’ Mother and son walked to the living room, then Tim got down on his knees and asked Jesus to be his Saviour and Lord. “I know from that moment on Iwent from darkness to light and my eternity
was sealed because I had a relationship
with Jesus Christ.” Tim and his siblings, after
they each turned 15,
began travelling
back with Bob
and a mission
team every
year to support the evangelistic
work. During a 2008 trip, Tim spoke
to almost 7 000 citizens in different
locations, and, of those, more than 5 000
indicated that they had made decisions for
Ironically, all of Tim Tebow’s ministry
opportunities and football achievements –
even his very life – almost never happened.

Tim was almost aborted…
While living in the Philippines in the mid-80s, Bob Tebow, who was passionate about the preservation of human life, grieved over the number of abortions in
America. He began to pray: “Lord, if you give us another son, I’ll raise him to be
a preacher.” He even prayed over the name ‘Timmy’ – from Timothy, which means “honouring God”. In time, Pam conceived another child. But complications surfaced in the pregnancy and concerned for Pam’s life, her doctor urged her to abort the child. Bob and Pam refused the doctor’s counsel and trusted God for their son’s life. She spent months of her pregnancy confined to bed and, more than once, nearly lost the baby. But on 14 August 1987, against the odds, Timmy was born – healthy, but very skinny. And, now, that early thin stature has become another reason the Tebows consider the quarterback’s current 1.9 metre, 110 kg frame a sign of God’s hand at work and a testament to the power of prayer.
An amazing role model
Tim Tebow doesn’t seek the limelight, the limelight seeks him. The general population is intrigued to find a sports star that means everything he says and matches his words with action. On the first weekend in January, he met with an 8 year old boy who has been fighting cancer since 2008, and now has only a few months to live. His dying wish was to meet Tebow. This happened as reported by Fox News: “Blake, nice to meet you buddy,” said the quarterback. “It’s so good to see you.” Blake was speechless but full of smiles as Tim Tebow gave him his autograph. His mother Miranda has been fighting the battle with her little boy from the very beginning. “It’s a little overwhelming to see it actually happen,”she said over the phone. “Tim just walked
right up to Blake and started talking to
him; I couldn’t believe it was happening!”
13 year old Joey Norris of Washington,
who has been fighting leukaemia, also got
to meet Tebow that weekend. The quarterback
flew Joey out to Denver to see him
play against the Kansas City Chiefs after
Joey tweeted a picture of himself ‘Tebowing
while chemoing’.

Humble and friendly
Then, before the playoff game – a gruelling contest the Broncos went on to win with a touchdown in overtime – Tebow took time to meet with a young lady named Bailey Knaub, who has spent most of her life battling an auto-immune disease, a condition requiring no less than 73 surgeries to date. He also brought her to the big game as his guest. As reported by the Denver Post: “On Thursday, Bailey learned that her dream of meeting Tebow would come true. Her family received tickets to the crucial playoff game, and soon they all were hanging out with Tebow’s parents and all of his brothers and sisters. Then, before the game started, someone said Tim Tebow was headed over to meet Bailey, “I was so nervous, my heart was going a million miles an hour.” Bailey and her older sister, along with their parents Rob and Kathy, spent about two hours with the Tebow family. “Standing firm The rising superstar has taken a strong stand for his faith and shown that he won’t let fame get in the way of his relationship with God. In an interview with ESPN Tebow claimed: “If you’re married, and you have a wife, and you really love your wife, is it good enough to only say to your wife ‘I love you’ the day you get married? Or should you tell her every single day when you wake up and at every opportunity? That’s how I feel about my relationship with Jesus Christ, that it is the most important thing in my life. So any time I get an opportunity to tell Him that I love Him or any given opportunity to [honour] Him on national TV, I’m gonna take that opportunity. And then right after I give Him the honour and glory, I always try to give my team mates praise. And that’s how it works because Christ comes first in my life, and then my family, and then my team.”

Facing opposition and criticism
Of course, Tim Tebow is merely doing what Jesus asks of His followers: “Whoever
acknowledges Me before men, I will also acknowledge him before My Father in
Heaven.” Matt10:32. The problem is that secular humanists don’t want Christ acknowledged before anyone, and they endeavour to shut down or mock anybody who tries. Tim Tebow stands for much of what our post-modern popular culture despises: sexual purity within the bonds of natural marriage, the sanctity of human life, selflessness, charity and humility. Win or lose, one thing is for sure: people will keep talking about Tim Tebow. And when people are talking about Tebow, they can’t help but talk about the profound faith that drives him both on and off the field.
For more info see

Sibling Rivalry

by: Sandy Janzen Vanvuuren
Many parents feel distressed by the fighting and argumentative behaviour that
their children engage in, fearing that such rivalry will adversely affect the developmentof the child’s pro-social concern and ability to get on amicably
with others. Sibling rivalry, a spirit of competition, jealousy, or resentment between siblings, frequently commences when a younger sibling arrives. Adjustment is easier if the firstborn enjoyed secure relationships with parents before the baby arrived and if that secure relationship is maintained
afterward. It is a good idea, if possible, for the older sibling to ‘make friends’ with the younger sibling before birth. Parents are advised to continue displaying love and attention to their older children, as well as maintaining their regular routines as closely as possible.

Spend quality time with your kids
Timesharing is a positive way in which children can be made to feel special – a
‘date’ with Mom or Dad alone, away from the younger sibling. It is always beneficial to not make comparisons between children, and older children benefit by being made aware of the baby’s needs and assisting in the care of the newborn – they feel good about themselves when they are made to feel important in the lives of the younger ones. The number of minor arguments between very young siblings can be as high as 56 per hour, centring mainly on personal possessions and scripts to be followed during pretend play. Squabbles abate with age and if the siblings view their relationships as positive, they are often resolved in constructive ways. Feelings of anger or resentment are not to be dismissed or suppressed in children, rather children are to be encouraged to take ownership of their feelings and deal with them in a positive manner.

Be a good role model
Siblings are much more apt to get along well together if their parents get along well. Marital conflict is an excellent predictor of jealousy and antagonistic sibling interactions, compacted by parental discipline tends to be power assertive. Emotional insecurity in children is aggravated by marital conflict, and a power assertive manner of discipline by parents may communicate to a more powerful older sibling that forceful strategies are appropriate in dealing with those smaller than themselves. Parents as role models of empathy may shape their children’s behaviour may be hurtful to others, and how kindness can promote a strong commitment to helping others. A warm and loving parental example is the best way to develop empathy in a child.
Pay attention and respond accordingly
Relatonships are enhanced when parents make an effor to monitor their children’s activites. Normal conflicts between siblings can escalate into serious incidents- becoming habitual if parents regularly ignore them without intervening. Destructive battles occuring in a home of uninvolved parenting is a decisive predictor of aggressive, antisocial behaviour outside of the home. A good harmonious start to the morning, by making it a special time for the children to spend together is a great way to set the tone for the day. Also beneficial are family ‘meetings’ where squabbles can be discussed and sorted out in  calm and rational manner, and all family members may participate and have their say. Less conflict occurs between siblings when parents respond warmly to all their children and do not favour one child over the other. Younger siblings are especially sensitive to unequal treatment, and they may react negatively or display adjustment problems if they perceieve older siblings to be favoured. Older children need to understand that younder ones may have different needs and that at times unqual treatment may be justified. At the end of the day-siblings are forever!
Sandy Janzen Vanvuuren is a Registered Counsellor and a part time lecturer at the ICP. For counselling of studies in Christian Psychology call 011 827 7611 or

The Momentous Task of being a Father

I was blessed to have a wonderful father. He was my hero and inspiration; I would do anything for him. But to be perfectly honest, as a father he didn’t get everything right and didn’t fit the textbook mould as a model father.
There are no perfect parents
As a youngster I was involved in multiple sports activities. I represented my school at soccer, cricket, tennis (and even a little bit of rugby, (although it was a small school and I was just there to make up the numbers), plus a little golf and squash on the side. But my father never found the time to attend a single one of my sports activities. There simply weren’t enough hours, as he was working in his little café seven days a week from early in the morning till late at night. He encouraged us to go to Sunday School and church, which I attended from
an early age, but he never went to church himself whilst we were growing up – he
was simply too busy trying to earn a living at our little shop. Move along a generation and it was my turn to be a father. I was determined to be a model parent bringing up model kids. But despite my best efforts I fell woefully short. I was involved in an exciting ministry with Youth for Christ and later Today Magazine. I was surrounded by people far more talented than I was. If I was to achieve anything in life, I had to work twice as hard as everyone else. Looking back I wish I could have given my three boys and a girl more attention. They say that children are like wet cement, if you don’t reach them today, they are likely to be out of reach tomorrow. In a flash they were no longer children and the opportunity to mould them into extraordinary, super-Christian young adults was gone.
Raising children is challenging!
In writing an article about Christian Fatherhood I am reminded of the story of
the man who had a great speech for parents called, ‘How to Raise Your Children’. He travelled on speaking tours throughout America and was paid a high fee for the talk. “This guy will wow you,” people said. Then this famous speaker had his first child. His majestic speech lost its punch at 2:00 AM with the baby in full cry. But he kept trying.
Inspiring your kids
He renamed his new, modified speech, ‘Some Suggestions for Parents’, and charged bravely on. They had two more children. The speech changed again, and again. Now it’s called, ‘Feeble Hints for Fellow Strugglers’, and he begins with the question: “Does anyone here have a few words of wisdom?” So without presuming to have all the answers, here are a few ways you can inspire your children to great achievements and balanced adulthood. I may not be the perfect role model but at least I can give you the theory. Most dads have to work harder than moms to sustain and nurture the bond they have with their children, and when they share a special relationship, it’s easy to inspire their children to go on to do great things in life. In the chaos of modern life, it’s easy to lose sight of many of the important things you can do as a father. If you’re a father, here are a few ways to inspire your children:
1. Set an example
Rather than teach your children with words alone, show them what needs to be done by setting an example. If you want them to be healthy, eat healthy food and exercise regularly. If you don’t want your family to watch programming riddled with violence and sexual promiscuity then youshould not be watching it either. As the old proverb goes, your actions speak louder than your words. What do your actions say? When you’re hardworking and responsible, you teach your kids to be so too. They look up to you and want to emulate you when they grow up. As someone has said, “Don’t worry that children never listen to you. Worry that they are always watching you.”
2. Treat their mom well
Kids are very attached to their mothers as they grow up, so if you don’t treat their
mom well and accord her due respect, they’re not going to like you or respect you, let alone be inspired by you. The best thingyou can do for your children is to love their mother and be kind to her. As the Apostle Paul advised, “husbands
love your wives.” Eph 5:20. This is perhaps the most important thing a father can do to promote stability and harmony in a family. It will encourage children to grow up wanting a family of their own where love and encouragement are the key ingredients.

3. Spend time with them
If you want to inspire your children, be around for them and spend time with them; help them with their homework, play games with them, drive them around for their activities, and get to know what they like and who their friends are. This way, the bond between you becomes stronger. Make an effort to spend time with your child, no matter how busy your schedule or how tired you may be. Prioritise quality time that you can spend with your child. Whether reading a story just before bedtime or doing things that parent and child enjoy, like a game of Scrabble or chess – it becomes natural as you make this time a priority. Listen intently, and be sincere. A child knows too well when you are not paying attention. Very importantly – do not make promises you cannot keep. Set realistic expectations so your child will not feel hurt. This is a practice all parents must take to heart, especially divorced ones, when visitations may be limited or restricted. Think of fun activities you can do together. Quality time does not only mean having a conversation with your child.

4. Encourage without finding fault
Kids have a natural enthusiasm that cannotbe curbed. They are full of energy for the things they are passionate about, and as a father, it’s up to you to encourage your children to reach for the stars and achieve their goals. Don’t push them to do more than they want to or are capable of. Rather, be there for them and offer support when asked or needed. Don’t find fault because they don’t live up to your expectations. There’s nothing like negative criticism to curb enthusiasm. They need your encouragement even more when they fail than when they succeed. I remember taking our eldest son to compete in his first swimming gala when he was only about 6 or 7. At the starting gun, he shot into the lead. He was clearly the strongest swimmer. But somewhere along the race he got his direction wrong and started swimming off course. Eventually he finished stone last. I found him afterwards sitting all alone with his head in his hands. He looked up dejectedly and asked, “Did I really come last?” Youngsters can sometimes be very cruel to one another in their innocence. It was my opportunity to come alongside him and affirm him and assure him that he hadn’t failed and to me he was still a winner.

5. Teach them right from wrong
The best way to do this is to be a moral and ethical person yourself; when your kids see that dad doesn’t lie, cheat or treat other people badly, they pick up these traits naturally. As they say in Afrikaans, “Die appel val nie ver van die boom nie”. Or as the Scripture says, “You can identify them by their fruit, that is, by the way they act. Can you pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? A good tree produces good fruit, and a bad tree produces bad fruit. A good tree can’t produce bad fruit, and a bad tree can’t produce good fruit.” Matt 7:16-20. If we don’t give them direction they will receive it from their peers, media, culture and all the other places in the world that are so ready to influence them. The enemy is looking for you to abdicate your place so that he can come in with his authority and captivate your children through his ways.

Handpicked by God
You have been chosen – handpicked – by God – to father the children He has given you. No one else can take your place. No matter what you feel you are lacking, you are the perfect dad for your children. With all of your flaws and with all of your fears, you have been chosen. Your children need you; you are God’s answer for their deepest yearnings for identity, value and love. You have been chosen to express God’s heart that your children are fully accepted and unconditionally loved. God can use your heart, your presence, your hugs, your laughter and your voice to engrave His eternal identity and love into their beings.
If your children are grown up already and distant from you, remember that it is never too late. God works all things for the good (Romans 8:28) and is an expert at bringing the prodigals home. Love covers a multitude of sins – so keep reaching out in love, patience and understanding and trust the Lord to restore your lost relationship.
NICO BOUGAS is the International Coordinator of
Hellenic Ministries. For more information email: or