The Legacy of a Legend

Fred Roberts, born April 27th 1932, was a wonderful man of God who has left a legacy of tens of thousands of souls reached for Christ. On November 13th 2017, at the age of 85, Fred went quietly to be with his Lord and Saviour. Pastor Fred’s love for the Lord was evident when you met him, as his heart’s mission was to serve Jesus with all that he had in him.

The following is tribute by Ron Steele: Tears of Gold
Many tears were shed when the sad news was received of Pastor Fred’s passing to glory. But each tear was more precious than the Crown Jewels in the Tower of London. These tears brought grateful memories to the thousands of people around the world who encountered Jesus Christ after hearing Pastor Fred’s impassionate proclamation of the Gospel. Other precious tears recalled to thousands the healing power of God when Pastor Fred laid hands or anointed them with oil and said a simple prayer of faith. And many wet eyes remind the many widows of the words of comfort they received from Pastor Fred when they stood in despair at the bedside of a departed loved one. Many are the tears of joy for the many babies blessed and dedicated to the Lord by a beaming Pastor Fred. Yes, the tears that stain our cheeks are precious because they speak of the love and passion of Pastor Fred. They are like a waterfall of grace for the multitudes whose lives were touched by a man dearly loved. And don’t forget the many tears that Pastor Fred shed when confronted with the challenges of life and the responsibility of the ministry. But those tears were wiped away when he was welcomed into the splendour of Heaven and beheld the matchless beauty of his Saviour Jesus.

…Pick up a copy of the latest issue of JOY to read this article!

The Biblical Requirements For Healing

The heart of God is to see you healed. God is not the source of sickness (Acts 10:38). He is good all the time. Satan is always the source of every sickness and disease. Satan is the source of evil while God is the source of all good. God is as willing as He has always been to heal His people. Healing is a Covenant right.
We read sometimes how people in the Old Testament were punished, and sickness came upon the wicked. It might even seem at times that God was the source of sickness when we read that God put sickness on them. God is the same“yesterday, today, and tomorrow” – Hebrews 13:8. He does not change. So how did God put sickness on the wicked if He is not the source of sickness? Firstly, it was the sin of the wicked that enabled it. Secondly, God stepped aside and allowed oppressive demons to attack the wicked with sickness and disease. This is what He meant in the OT when He said He will punish the wicked with sickness and disease.

… For the full article, pick up the latest issue of JOY!, on sale now!

Rick Warren Shares How To Overcome Loneliness

Loneliness is one of the most miserable feelings a person can experience. Sometimes you may feel that nobody loves you, that nobody even cares if you exist. You do not even have to be alone to feel lonely; you can feel lonely in a crowd. It is not the number of people around you that determines your loneliness; it is your relationship to them. In the urban world that we now live in, people have never lived closer together, and yet they have never felt farther apart.
What does God have to say about your loneliness? What does He offer to fill the vacuum? The first thing He says is, “I understand. I really understand.” The Son of God knows what it is like to be lonely. In Jesus’ darkest hour – the night before He was crucified on the Cross – He was in the Garden of Gethsemane and all His friends fell asleep. When the soldiers came and took Him to the trial, all His disciples fled. Then Peter denied Him three times. When Jesus took the sins of the world on Himself on the Cross, He cried out, “My God, my God, why have You forsaken Me?” – Mark 15:34.
Jesus understands loneliness. He says to you, “I understand how you fell. I care about you, and I want to help you.” Let Him help you conquer your loneliness as you turn to Him in prayer and reach out in love to lonely people around you.

… Pick up the latest issue of JOY! for the full article!

Christian Persecution At Its Worst

Somalia, situated in the Horn of Africa, is one of the most difficult places in Africa to be a Christian. It has spent time in the Top 10 of the Open Doors World Watch List for many years now, ranking
#2 in 2017.

In Somalia you are expected to be a Muslim. Imams in mosques and madrasas, as well as the leaders of Al-Shabaab, state publicly that there is no room for Christians and churches in Somalia. The government has gone so far as to prohibit any celebration of Christmas.
Christians in the country are from a Muslim background – and they are regarded as high-value targets by Al-Shabaab operatives. They have often been killed on the spot when discovered. Christians also face serious persecution from family, extended family members, and the community at large. Any conversion to Christianity is regarded as a betrayal of Somali family and clan.
…Pick up a copy of the latest issue of JOY! for the full article.