Lyndie McCauley – Soaring For God

At the tender age of thirteen the Lord’s hand began to move on the heart of Lyndie McCauley, a shy young lady who grew up in Johannesburg. After reading the ‘Cross and the Switchblade’ by David Wilkerson and being presented the Gospel at The Haven Church in Parkhurst, Lyndie (then 19) received Christ into her life and embarked upon a life-long journey of faith and service to God.

An exciting season of growth
After marrying and then moving to the USA to attend Rhema Bible Training Centre, Lyndie graduated in 1979. Her heart was consumed with a burning desire to bring a message of faith, hope and love to the people of South Africa.
This vision, shared by her then husband, helped birth Rhema Ministries South Africa and launch one of the most influential Christian churches in a vulnerable, post-Apartheid country.

Iron sharpening iron
As a woman of faith, Lyndie has walked through the valleys of pain, and mounted the hills of purpose and joy…
all with the Lord’s unfailing peace. It is evident when one spends time with her, that Lyndie loves Jesus sincerely and is extremely committed to walking closely with God.
She hasn’t had an easy time though, and like most of us, she has had her heart and her faith tested in the Refiner’s fire. Despite times of testing and challenge, the Lord has consistently shown Himself faithful throughout her Christian walk – from blessing her with her “miracle baby” Josh, to her establishing Lyndie McCauley Ministries as a non-profit in the US after a difficult divorce fifteen years ago.

Returning to South African soil
As a passionate Bible teacher and women’s mentor, Lyndie launched her personal ministry in the USA when she was living there with her daughter Kristen. She was then ordained through Rhema Ministerial Association International and Revival Ministries International. Even though she was happy, she always had a yearning to return home, she knew there was still much that God had to do in her heart. Under the covering of Pastor Rodney and Adonica Howard Browne, Lyndie grew in love, grace, peace and power, and felt the need to return back to her beloved South Africa with Kristen.

The blessing of family
Packing up your life and moving halfway across the world is never easy, and it took a while for her to settle back in South Africa. But today, she is blossoming further into her calling and sometimes speaking up to four times on a weekend to small and large congregations.
Her beautiful daughter Kristen has gone on to study BA Humanities and Political Science at the University of Cape Town. Lyndie travels to visit her as often as she can. As a grandmother to two beautiful boys, Jonathan and Joel, Lyndie spends much of her time in Johannesburg with her son Joshua, his wife Tara and Lyndie’s beloved mother, Freda who celebrates her 90th birthday this year.
Josh grew up within Rhema Church and his formative years were moulded through involvement in his parent’s church. After six years of full time ministry under his dad at Rhema, Josh and Tara felt God calling them to establish Redemption Church in Scarlet Ribbon, Stoneridge Shopping Centre, Edenvale, Johannesburg in 2013.
Together they are committed to seeing the message of grace preached across the city of Johannesburg, the nation of South Africa and the ends of the world. They are passionate about helping people understand their true identity in Christ. Lyndie is a member of and attends Redemption Church whenever she is in town. She is proud to call her son ‘Pastor Josh’.
Approachable to all
It isn’t just family benefitting from Lyndie’s attention and return to the land of biltong and boerewors, she travels the country speaking in churches, at women’s events, marriage seminars, teaching in Bible schools and even serving churches in the township of Mamelodi! At home with presidents and paupers, ‘Masechaba’ (Mother of the nations), as she is affectionately called, is authentic in her love for people and admittedly, this approachability has come from her years of ministry.
For someone who is always on the move, she will always find the time to encourage her Facebook, Instagram and Twitter followers with words of wisdom, as well as sharing images and updates about her family. Lyndie also shares a short daily devotional on her website with the purpose of encouraging and uplifting the Body of Christ.

Comforting others
In this day and age where many churches and their members are burnt out, Lyndie is a breath of fresh air. Every single weekend is spent inspiring and encouraging those who are weary and need to be reminded that their purpose, strength and hope are found in the Lord. Her desire is to see the Body of Christ cement together and appreciate one another despite their differences. “Jesus only has one Bride. As the Church, we need to be a greater example to the world and unite to focus on the common goal that Christ has entrusted to us.”

Her ministry to the hurting
To anyone who has experienced hurt, divorce, pain, betrayal or unforgiveness, she shares: “God wants you whole! Every part of you – spirit, soul and body. He wants you to have ‘Shalom’, peace in your life with nothing missing, and nothing broken! But, you can stay as broken as you like, for as long as you like! Life will let you down, people will let you down, but Jesus Christ never will.”
In her gentle way, Lyndie has a message that challenges people  to live a life that releases the sweet fragrance of Christ and displays His character in a fallen and sinful world. She encourages people to “Stay focused on God’s Word and live your life in His Presence! Be fruitful and productive – always pointing to Jesus.”

Seeing God move in her life
With a growing following across the denominational, racial and gender lines, Lyndie is seeing God open up unexpected doors for her…and it is only just the beginning! She has actively been interviewed on television and radio and is a regular guest on Life24/7.
Lyndie is constantly travelling to honour preaching engagements in the USA, UK, Australia and across Africa where she is a regularly guest teacher at Bible Schools, Churches, Pastors Fraternals and Conferences. The last two years Lyndie has been actively preaching on Relationships, Divine Order In Your Life, Your Now Purpose, What To Do While You Are Standing and How To Hear The Voice Of God.
A memoir and several Bible devotionals are on the horizon…as well as leading the JOY! Singles cruise to Mozambique early next year with several other pastors and authors.

Pointing to Jesus Christ
This year, as Lyndie celebrates 37 years of full-time ministry, she feels that God has given her a message of victory for the discouraged, and a mandate for ministry that involves urging the saints toward greater commitment to God’s Word and deeper faith in His ways. In her own words, “we need to stay faithful to God’s call, stir up the gifts of the Holy Spirit, love people, and stick to the simple Gospel.”
To find out more, access her ministry products or to book  Lyndie for church conferences, please visit:
You can also follow Lyndie on all the social media platforms:
Facebook: lyndiemccauleyministries
Twitter: lyndiemccauley
Instagram: lyndiemccauley 

Ten Things That Are Underminding The Church Today

Many churches today have become lazy and blasé to the power of the Gospel and as a result, have lost their impact in this dark, immoral society. It is time for the Church to rise up, repent and correct these things that have undermined it.
Many churches today have become lazy and blasé to the power of the Gospel and as a result, have lost their impact in this dark, immoral society. It is time for the Church to rise up, repent and correct these things that have undermined it.

1. Prayerlessness
What ever happened to the Prayer Meeting? For centuries the Prayer Meeting was an essential part of church life, an indispensable part of the weekly programme. Yet few churches today have an active, vibrant Prayer Meeting in which most members participate. “Then Jesus told His disciples… that they should always pray and not give up” Luke 18:1.

2. Neglect of the Word of God
We need to know the Word of God and the God of the Word. The Lord guides us first and foremost through His Word. The best way to know the Will of God is to study the Word of God. It is our priority to ensure that we are “…not conformed to this world, but transformed by the renewing of our minds, then we will be able to prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” Rom 12:2.

3. Lack of the fear of God
The reverential awe, respect and fear of God must be the fundamental attitude of our Faith. Any view of God which does not lead us to fear Him and obey His Law cannot be a Biblical view. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” Ps 111:10. Only the fear of God can produce lasting justice and righteousness in individuals, families, churches and nations. Jesus said: “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but cannot kill the soul, rather be afraid of the one who can destroy both body and soul in hell” Matt 10:28.

4. Evolutionism
Evolutionism and its denial of the Creator, and therefore of accountability to Almighty God on Judgement Day, erodes the very foundations of Christian civilisation. Evolutionism destroys all meaning, purpose and justice in life. “You came from nothing! You are going nowhere! Life is meaningless!” Evolution is an attempt to retroactively abort God. Yet all too many Christians have bought into the lie of Evolution and erode the foundational truths of Genesis. “…For since the Creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His Eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse” Rom 1:20.
5. Egalitarianism – a belief in human equality
The rejection of authority and lack of respect for elders produces a self-centred and selfish society. The Ten Commandments effectively forbids egalitarianism. We are not to covet what others have. We are not to steal other people’s property, nor are we to dishonour our parents or other superiors. Neither may we lie, gossip or slander others. Instead of an attitude of entitlement, we need to rediscover the lost art of respect. “Obey those who rule over you and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls as those who must give an account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you” Heb 13:17. “You shall rise before the grey-headed and honour the presence of an old man, and fear your God. I am the Lord” Lev 19:32. “The eye that mocks his father and scorns obedience to his mother, the ravens of the valley will pick it out and the young eagles will eat it” Prov 30:17.
6. AntinomianismThe rejection of God’s moral Law inevitably leads to lawlessness, where everyone does what is right in his own eyes. “Sin is lawlessness” 1 John 3:4. “The Law is Holy and the Commandment holy and just and good” Rom 7:12. The Lord spoke the Ten Commandments with His own voice. He wrote them with His own finger upon tablets of stone. In the New Covenant, God has written His Law upon our hearts (Jer 31:33). “Therefore the Law was our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by Faith” Gal 3:24. “The Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul” Ps 19:7.
7. Worldly entertainment
We need to beware of technology encroaching on our lives. Technology is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. Has the TV become your family altar and electronic babysitter? Superficial, sensational and immoral material predominates in the modern entertainment industry and it is producing an increasingly superficial, selfish, mindless and immoral society. “Since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, He gave them over to a depraved mind…” Rom 1:28. “Their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened” Rom 1:21. “Be very careful, then, how you live, not as unwise, but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil” Eph 5:15-16.

8. Secular humanist education
Anyone who believes that education can be neutral is mistaken. Ideas have consequences. Actions flow from thought patterns. Secular humanism is a religion which deifies man and dethrones God. All education is inherently religious, because it presents a certain perspective and selection of history, values and practices and it prescribes a worldview. “See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends upon human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ” Col 2:8.
9. Lack of missionary vision
The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing. The Great Commission should be our supreme ambition. The last command of Christ should be our first concern. The Church is called to be a House of Prayer for all nations. We are called to “…disciple the nations, teaching obedience to all things that the Lord has commanded…” Matt 28:18-20.

10. Ignorance of history
Real history, told from a Biblical perspective, is a treasure of the Church that can teach us about truth that has endured. In the Scriptures we are commanded to understand the times so that we may know what we ought to do (1 Chron 12:32). We need to understand the events and issues of the past that correspond with our challenges today. To liberate our thinking from current fashions and to recognise potential potholes and traps, we need to understand the people, events and issues that shaped our past and affect our present. History illustrates the consequences of ideas and actions. “Now these things became our examples, to the intent that we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted, now all these things happen to them as examples, and they are written for our admonition…” 1 Cor 10:6-11.

Dr. Peter Hammond is a Missionary, Historian and Conference speaker. Tel: 021-689-4480; email:; website:


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The Effect Of Perfectionism On Your Health

Perfectionism and the drive to perform may seem to be a positive characteristic, but it is a major disease-maker. We can be driven into performance and perfectionism in childhood when our families make us feel loved based on our achievement.
Perfectionism is an attempt to feel loved and complete through works. The basis of love for these people is what they do, not who they are. Who you are as far as God is concerned is not what you do – your value and worth is based on who you are in Christ.
But in today’s society your identity is in your achievements. We are such an image-
orientated and success-driven society, whereby if you don’t measure up to the ‘survival of the fittest’, you are a cast away.
For example children that achieve academically or in sports at school are praised and applauded, whilst those who don’t are pushed aside. If you are not careful as parents, you are going to put your children into a strait jacket of performance and perfectionism because with all your best intentions you want them to win and to be the best – meanwhile they are suffocating in fear.

Let kids be kids!
Children are exposed to excessive levels of stress when you try to make them do too many activities – school and sports all day, plus one extra lesson after the next. Research has shown that if you try to push your children and force them to speed through their academics quicker than they are designed to do, you actually decrease their intelligence through stress because it impairs the functioning of the brain.
Our children are paying a very high price due to the pressure to perform. I encourage parents to allow their children to be children! They are little, they are supposed to be playing in the rivers and in the sand etc.

The fear of failure
The problem with performance and perfectionism is that it causes a fear of failure because there is no allowance for weakness. This is not from God; 2 Corinthians 12:9 says that His strength is made perfect in our weakness.
Proverbs 24:16 says though the righteous may fall seven times, the Lord shall lift them up! God doesn’t expect a perfect performance from us. We don’t have to be perfect – we can make a mistake and it might be the beginning of our learning process on the way to success.

Excellence versus perfectionism
There is a difference between excellence which is a Godly mind-set and perfectionism which is a toxic disease-making mind-set. We were not created to be lazy or mediocre people. As God’s children who represent Him, we need to be people of excellence who are motivated by love – whatever you do, you do it to the best of your ability because Colossians 3:23 says “whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men”. But doing your best doesn’t mean that it has to be flawless or perfect – that is perfectionism and it is driven by the fear of failure because you are afraid that you won’t be good enough.

The problem with making no allowance for weakness
When you make no allowance for weakness, you become your own worst enemy because when there is a weakness (and there inevitability will be since all of us are human and none of us are perfect), you feel bad about yourself. As a result you succumb to guilt and self-loathing and you won’t forgive yourself. There are many diseases that come out of this mentality:

Type 2 Diabetes
When you are driven into performance and perfectionism, fear puts your body into a toxic state of stress where there are high levels of the stress hormones called cortisol and adrenalin in the blood. Cortisol and adrenalin can block the effects of insulin. Insulin is a hormone that controls your blood sugar levels. So when insulin is blocked by these stress hormones, the sugar levels in the blood rise and become too high and you get the symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes.
Chronic Fatigue
One of the most common complaints we hear in a doctor’s office is “I’m always tired.” Chronic fatigue syndrome is where you are always tired and this is not due to a lack of sleep, a hard day’s work or due to another illness. Chronic fatigue syndrome is due to pressure to meet the expectations of somebody (usually a parent, especially a mother) in order to measure up and receive love and acceptance. It afflicts individuals who spend all their life being what somebody else expects them to be.
This is often called the “white collar disease” because it usually hits professionals when they are at the peak of their careers. After they have achieved what they were supposed to achieve to meet the expectations of somebody, they crash. As they crash, another toxic mind-set which is a low self-
esteem, guilt, self-loathing and self-accusation comes – and this triggers hypoglycaemia (where your blood sugar levels drop). As a result your brain does not get the energy that it needs, and you experience fatigue and ‘brain fog’.
There was a lady in Florida who was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome plus five other diseases at the height of her success as a real estate agent. When she was growing up she wanted to be a school teacher because she loved children. But in her family there was pressure from her mother to enter real estate because that was where the money was. At the height of her successful career with a six digit figure income, she crashed with disease and could no longer work because she hated her job. She wanted to be a teacher! At the height of pleasing her mother, she crashed in guilt, performance, fear and self-loathing.

Alzheimer’s Disease
The mind-set behind Alzheimer’s disease is similar: this involves the fear of man where the person has spent his (or her) life performing for others. The person has a fabricated personality which he allowed to be formed based on the expectation of others. As a result the person has self-accusation and guilt because he lacks personal identity where he does not know who he really is.
There are many people who don’t even know who they are because since childhood they have been so busy conforming to the expectations of their parents and others. They’ve forgotten that they had an identity from God since before the foundation of the world and they don’t know what it is. Well why don’t you go ask Him?

Be set free to be who God created you to be!
Quit being what other people expect you to be and be who God created you to be! Follow your heart and don’t let anybody stop you and these diseases will leave you in conjunction with that decision. You need to separate your ‘who’ from your ‘do’. God’s love for you is not performance-based and you need to see yourself as the Lord sees you. 
Dr. Michelle Strydom founded Eagles’ Wings Ministries. Enquiries for her materials (Books and DVDs), please contact Charmaine: 082 920 7826082 920 7826 / See our website for a free article on how to build a healthy self esteem based on who you are in Christ.”

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Being Painfully Honest With Your Spouse

If it’s true, it’s true,” Brian said confidently during a recent Marriage Intensive Course. He looked sternly at his wife, Julia.
“I just believe in saying it the way it is,” he continued confidently. “And what’s more, I think she ought to be clearer about the way she talks to me. I want to be with someone who tells the truth.”  Julia, a diminutive woman who was dressed smartly, looked saddened and began to withdraw.  “How do you argue against that?” she said softly. “This is the kind of stuff I hear all the time at home. I’m not a liar and I do tell the truth. But, I can’t argue against that.”
Julia sank further into her corner of the couch, with Brian seemingly being unaware of his intense pressure and exacting personality. In fact, he continued his case-building.
“I can’t believe you (referring to me) can argue against what I’m saying,” Brian continued. “I hold her to the truth. If I’m wrong, I’ll admit it. But, I want her to admit it when she is wrong.”  I looked over at my co-therapist with exasperation. Brian was similar to others I’ve counselled who seem uninterested in merely making a point – they must ‘win at any cost’. They are not content to share a point of view – they must pummel their opponent (mate) into submission. I felt saddened as I watched Mary become more and more distant and closed.
“Folks,” I said. “I want to talk about what I’m seeing in your relationship. Specifically, Brian I want to talk about what I’m seeing in your personality. Would you be open to hearing that?”  “Of course,” he said, seemingly unaware of the magnitude of my concerns or the impact he had on others. I proceeded to share some insights I’ve gained about ‘truth-tellers’.
1. Truth-telling is not necessarily the virtue some make it out to be
Scripture implores us to speak the truth in love. The Apostle Paul says, “Speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature Body of Him Who is the Head, that is, Christ” Eph 4:15.
Truth-telling requires that we speak from a motive of love – wanting the very best for another – and not from a motive of ‘proving my point.’ We cannot desire to ‘win’ or ‘get even.’ Motive is so all-important. Watching our mate’s reaction to our sharing will often reveal the impact of our ‘truth-telling’.
Solomon, the wisest man in the world, had this to say about the tongue: “The tongue has the power of life and death. Those who love it will eat its fruit” Prov 18:21. This clearly says that if we plant positive seeds with healthy, loving talk, we will reap its fruit. If we plant weeds of hurtful talk, we will reap that fruit. The truth can certainly be a vehicle to hurt.

2. Refuse to engage in battle with the ‘truth-teller’
Remind him or her that you have a valuable point of view that may differ from their perspective. Remind him or her that you don’t want to engage in argumentation. When you notice such a battle ensuing, step out of it.

3. Ask that your boundaries (not to engage in argumentation) be honoured
Make a clear, bold request that they not continue to push their point of view. Acknowledge that you heard it and honour it, but that you don’t wish to argue about it. Reassure them that you heard and value what they are saying, but don’t wish to pursue it.

4. Ask that your point of view be validated
While this is likely to be difficult, seek validation for your perspective. Seek to be honoured and respected for how you see a particular situation. If they are unable or unwilling to do so, gently stop that line of conversation. Agree to disagree and further agree not to engage in that particular topic again.
5. If this pattern is damaging to the relationship, ask for professional counselling
Confront your mate about the destructive impact of arguing. Point out your wish to have professional involvement to end power struggles. Insist on change in the relationship. 
David Hawkins is the director of The Marriage Recovery Centre and has been helping couples in crisis restore and revitalised their relationships for more than 30 years. For more info: