At the tender age of thirteen the Lord’s hand began to move on the heart of Lyndie McCauley, a shy young lady who grew up in Johannesburg. After reading the ‘Cross and the Switchblade’ by David Wilkerson and being presented the Gospel at The Haven Church in Parkhurst, Lyndie (then 19) received Christ into her life and embarked upon a life-long journey of faith and service to God.
An exciting season of growth
After marrying and then moving to the USA to attend Rhema Bible Training Centre, Lyndie graduated in 1979. Her heart was consumed with a burning desire to bring a message of faith, hope and love to the people of South Africa.
This vision, shared by her then husband, helped birth Rhema Ministries South Africa and launch one of the most influential Christian churches in a vulnerable, post-Apartheid country.
Iron sharpening iron
As a woman of faith, Lyndie has walked through the valleys of pain, and mounted the hills of purpose and joy…
all with the Lord’s unfailing peace. It is evident when one spends time with her, that Lyndie loves Jesus sincerely and is extremely committed to walking closely with God.
She hasn’t had an easy time though, and like most of us, she has had her heart and her faith tested in the Refiner’s fire. Despite times of testing and challenge, the Lord has consistently shown Himself faithful throughout her Christian walk – from blessing her with her “miracle baby” Josh, to her establishing Lyndie McCauley Ministries as a non-profit in the US after a difficult divorce fifteen years ago.
Returning to South African soil
As a passionate Bible teacher and women’s mentor, Lyndie launched her personal ministry in the USA when she was living there with her daughter Kristen. She was then ordained through Rhema Ministerial Association International and Revival Ministries International. Even though she was happy, she always had a yearning to return home, she knew there was still much that God had to do in her heart. Under the covering of Pastor Rodney and Adonica Howard Browne, Lyndie grew in love, grace, peace and power, and felt the need to return back to her beloved South Africa with Kristen.
The blessing of family
Packing up your life and moving halfway across the world is never easy, and it took a while for her to settle back in South Africa. But today, she is blossoming further into her calling and sometimes speaking up to four times on a weekend to small and large congregations.
Her beautiful daughter Kristen has gone on to study BA Humanities and Political Science at the University of Cape Town. Lyndie travels to visit her as often as she can. As a grandmother to two beautiful boys, Jonathan and Joel, Lyndie spends much of her time in Johannesburg with her son Joshua, his wife Tara and Lyndie’s beloved mother, Freda who celebrates her 90th birthday this year.
Josh grew up within Rhema Church and his formative years were moulded through involvement in his parent’s church. After six years of full time ministry under his dad at Rhema, Josh and Tara felt God calling them to establish Redemption Church in Scarlet Ribbon, Stoneridge Shopping Centre, Edenvale, Johannesburg in 2013.
Together they are committed to seeing the message of grace preached across the city of Johannesburg, the nation of South Africa and the ends of the world. They are passionate about helping people understand their true identity in Christ. Lyndie is a member of and attends Redemption Church whenever she is in town. She is proud to call her son ‘Pastor Josh’.
Approachable to all
It isn’t just family benefitting from Lyndie’s attention and return to the land of biltong and boerewors, she travels the country speaking in churches, at women’s events, marriage seminars, teaching in Bible schools and even serving churches in the township of Mamelodi! At home with presidents and paupers, ‘Masechaba’ (Mother of the nations), as she is affectionately called, is authentic in her love for people and admittedly, this approachability has come from her years of ministry.
For someone who is always on the move, she will always find the time to encourage her Facebook, Instagram and Twitter followers with words of wisdom, as well as sharing images and updates about her family. Lyndie also shares a short daily devotional on her website with the purpose of encouraging and uplifting the Body of Christ.
Comforting others
In this day and age where many churches and their members are burnt out, Lyndie is a breath of fresh air. Every single weekend is spent inspiring and encouraging those who are weary and need to be reminded that their purpose, strength and hope are found in the Lord. Her desire is to see the Body of Christ cement together and appreciate one another despite their differences. “Jesus only has one Bride. As the Church, we need to be a greater example to the world and unite to focus on the common goal that Christ has entrusted to us.”
Her ministry to the hurting
To anyone who has experienced hurt, divorce, pain, betrayal or unforgiveness, she shares: “God wants you whole! Every part of you – spirit, soul and body. He wants you to have ‘Shalom’, peace in your life with nothing missing, and nothing broken! But, you can stay as broken as you like, for as long as you like! Life will let you down, people will let you down, but Jesus Christ never will.”
In her gentle way, Lyndie has a message that challenges people to live a life that releases the sweet fragrance of Christ and displays His character in a fallen and sinful world. She encourages people to “Stay focused on God’s Word and live your life in His Presence! Be fruitful and productive – always pointing to Jesus.”
Seeing God move in her life
With a growing following across the denominational, racial and gender lines, Lyndie is seeing God open up unexpected doors for her…and it is only just the beginning! She has actively been interviewed on television and radio and is a regular guest on Life24/7.
Lyndie is constantly travelling to honour preaching engagements in the USA, UK, Australia and across Africa where she is a regularly guest teacher at Bible Schools, Churches, Pastors Fraternals and Conferences. The last two years Lyndie has been actively preaching on Relationships, Divine Order In Your Life, Your Now Purpose, What To Do While You Are Standing and How To Hear The Voice Of God.
A memoir and several Bible devotionals are on the horizon…as well as leading the JOY! Singles cruise to Mozambique early next year with several other pastors and authors.
Pointing to Jesus Christ
This year, as Lyndie celebrates 37 years of full-time ministry, she feels that God has given her a message of victory for the discouraged, and a mandate for ministry that involves urging the saints toward greater commitment to God’s Word and deeper faith in His ways. In her own words, “we need to stay faithful to God’s call, stir up the gifts of the Holy Spirit, love people, and stick to the simple Gospel.”
To find out more, access her ministry products or to book Lyndie for church conferences, please visit:
You can also follow Lyndie on all the social media platforms:
Facebook: lyndiemccauleyministries
Twitter: lyndiemccauley
Instagram: lyndiemccauley