Worship God, Not Your Ancestors

One of the main themes in the Bible is worship: who you worship matters. In the Bible, God calls us to worship Him and Him alone. Not because of any other reason, but simply because we belong to Him. The question is, how does His call to worship Him relate to us who come from South African and African backgrounds?

If we believe or think that God is bigger and wiser than us, we ought to allow Him – through the Bible – to define Himself to us as well as how we are to worship Him. If God is truly God, surely we should then allow Him to define the terms of worshiping Him? Also, we should allow God to question our practices too, especially the ones we’ve inherited from our (human) predecessors so that we can know whether He approves or disproves of them.

…for the full article, pick up a copy of the November issue of JOY, which is now on sale nationwide in all leading supermarkets!

The Remarkable Language Of DNA

According to leading atheist Professor Richard Dawkins, the most compelling evidence for evolution is found in DNA. Given that there are millions of possible DNA codes, those who argue that natural selection optimised the code must believe in nature performing miracles.

The God who made us was meticulous, down to the fine details of the tiny DNA molecules and protein manufacturing machinery in our cells. He designed the system, assigned an optimal code, and programmed the first groups of living things. Moreover, that this code is used by virtually all creatures, makes clear that life came from just one designer as the Bible teaches.

…for the full article, pick up a copy of the November issue of JOY, which is now on sale nationwide in all leading supermarkets!

The Climate Change Movement, A Trojan Horse for Socialism?

Recently an irate 16-year-old Swedish teenager aggressively ranted against world leaders at the United Nations. Environmental activists are just too grateful for the teenager who promotes their agenda with great success. The issue raised in this article is not whether climate change is true or not – but rather, what is behind the aggressive activism.

It is clearer than ever that the environmentalist movement has been co-opted by socialists who, in reality, view fighting climate change as a second-tier concern to their radical economic reforms.

…for the full article, pick up a copy of the November issue of JOY, which is now on sale nationwide in all leading supermarkets!

Heidi Baker: A Life Of Full Surrender

Heidi and her husband Rolland have spent the last 25 years of their life living in Mozambique, sharing the message and love of Christ with all in the area. Together they founded Iris Global, a ministry that focuses on orphaned and abandoned children.

Gentle. Kind. Joyful. Loving. Peaceful. Faithful. These are the words that came to mind following my interview with Heidi Baker. She is passionate, yet calm. She is humble, yet bold. We laughed, connected, and Heidi held back tears as she shared her powerful story with me. In all my life, I don’t think I have ever encountered someone who is making such a difference in the world, yet taking so little credit for it all. Heidi is sold out for Jesus, sold out for the Gospel, sold out for the church.

…for the full article, pick up a copy of the November issue of JOY, which is now on sale nationwide in all leading supermarkets!