War Room – Prayer Is A Powerful Weapon

Prayer outshines anything! In the context of a vibrant relationship with God, whatever the problem or need, it can powerfully change our lives.” That rock-­solid belief in prayer’s muscle and necessity is a foundation laid in film-makers and brothers, Alex and Stephen Kendrick’s earliest years. “Growing up with a praying mom and dad, we saw the Lord at work. And we slowly begin to build and go into our own  prayer closets.” This habit and commitment, the Kendricks say, is the secret to their films’ remarkable impact.
In each of the Kendricks’ four previous films: FlyWheel, Facing The Giants, Fireproof and Courageous, prayer preceded everything. Before an actor is cast or a scene is shot, a team of believers prays over every aspect. 
It was through the preproduction prayer on War Room, in 2013, that Stephen and Alex felt called to focus their next film on the power of prayer. “We didn’t wake up one day wanting to make a movie about a 75 year old woman’s prayer closet,” Stephen said. “We asked God to order our steps and the ideas came. As filmmakers, we’re laying tracks before a moving train.”
Do you plan to pray?
The release of this film could not have come at a better time – the world is rife with persecution, we are seeing evil spread throughout the nations and the crumbling of values. Christian families, churches and godly morals are under attack and it is time that people plan to pray and use prayer as the weapon it was intended to be. 
Alex expresses the message behind the film: “People have plans for everything in life: careers, finances, health. But what about a strategy for prayer to affect our lives, our spouses and our children? We want to inspire, challenge and motivate families to not just react but plan through the right kind of battles – and to use the best resources possible.” For every aspect of life, War Room is about fighting the good fight and relying on the right resources.
Losing focus
In the film, Tony and Elizabeth Jordan have it all – great jobs, a beautiful daughter and their dream house. But appearances can be deceiving. Tony and Elizabeth Jordans’ world is actually crumbling under the strain of a failing marriage. While Tony basks in his professional success and flirts with temptation, Elizabeth resigns herself to increasing bitterness. 
Their lives take an unexpected turn when Elizabeth meets her newest client, Miss Clara, and is challenged to establish a ‘war room’ and a battle plan of prayer for her family. As Elizabeth tries to fight for her family, Tony’s hidden struggles come to light. As the head of the home, he must decide if he will make amends to his family and prove Miss Clara’s wisdom that victories don’t come by accident.
A committed Christian cast 
The all-Christian cast includes one person known worldwide for her dynamic speaking and in-depth Bible teaching – Priscilla Shirer. She now takes on an exciting new role as lead actress, playing Elizabeth Jordan. But for Shirer, it’s about much more than screen time. “I’m honoured to work alongside the Kendricks to encourage people to pray,” she said. “For unlocking the activity of Heaven on earth, prayer is the church’s single most powerful weapon.” 
The Kendricks’ latest movie also features T.C. Stallings (Courageous) playing Tony Jordan; Alex Kendrick (Mom’s Night Out, Courageous) as Coleman Young; and veteran actress Karen Abercrombie (My Name Is Paul, Mountain Top) as Miss Clara. The newcomers to film are standup comedian Michael Jr. as Michael and Alena Pitts as Danielle. Renowned speaker Beth Moore also has her first acting role as Mandy. 
“It’s time for fierceness in prayer, and I cannot think of a more crucial message for a movie to convey,” Moore said. “God waits to see a generation that will take Him at His Word. Let’s be that generation.”
A powerful weapon
When it comes to making an impact on your world, do you believe prayer is a powerful weapon? Prayer, at its heart, is communicating with God. It is directly interacting with the magnificent Creator of the universe.
The power of prayer is the power of demolishing strongholds. When you don’t know what or how to pray, the Holy Spirit “intercedes for us” and He “helps us in our weaknesses” Romans 8:26. Isn’t that incredible? We do not need to worry about the future, because God is the one who holds it. We need to see worry as an indication that it is time to pray. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Phil 4:6.  

How To Overcome Unbelief

In Matthew 17:20 Jesus said, “if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.”
It’s true that some people have more of a measure of faith than others. Some have faith like an apple seed. Some have faith like a peach pip. And some people have the smallest measure of faith – like a mustard seed. Some would conclude that if faith as a grain of mustard seed can move mountains, then they must not have any faith at all, because so far they have been unable to move even a thimble. So then some may ask, “What is the problem? Why haven’t I seen the mountains in my own life moving out of my way?”
The danger of unbelief
Let us consider the context of the verse where Jesus talked about mountain-moving faith. The story is found in Matthew 17:14-21. A certain man with a demon-possessed son had come to Jesus’ disciples for help, but when they could not cast out the evil spirits, they asked Christ why they had been so unsuccessful. He said to them, “Because of your unbelief” (v 20).
This is a very clear and precise explanation that Jesus reiterated by going on to say, “For assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you”(v 20). So far this seems very straightforward. But the simplicity and clarity of this statement is often overshadowed by confusion over the next words Jesus spoke: “However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting” (v 21).
Casting out doubt
It almost sounds as if Christ contradicted Himself. When asked why the disciples had not been able to exorcise the demon, He said it was because of unbelief. But now He seems to be saying that it is because they had not fasted and prayed enough. Which is it?
The confusion comes when we fail to realise the moral of the story. At first glance it may appear that the demon is the focal point of this account, but a closer look will reveal that the real antagonist in this story is not the demon but the spirit of unbelief. The disciples were concerned about the demon inside the boy, but Jesus was concerned about the unbelief inside His disciples. The disciples’ question was about casting out demons, but Jesus’s answer was about casting out doubt. Christ knew that once unbelief has been cast out, exorcising demons would be a piece of cake.
The key to powerful prayer
Sometimes we have to pray long prayers and fast for many days before we get the victory, but it is not because our appeals coerce God into doing something. And it is not because we have finally earned the answer to our prayers by logging enough credit hours into our spiritual bank account.
Much fasting and prayer may be necessary and useful in helping us gain victory over our own stubborn flesh and cast out the spirit of unbelief that blocks God’s power from flowing through us. It is this kind of unbelief that goes out only “by prayer and fasting.” It is also worth mentioning that some manuscripts do not contain the statement about prayer and fasting at all, which is why many Bible translations have left it out completely. Any way you look at it, faith is the key to powerful prayer. This is the point Christ made in this story.
Remove scornful sceptics
In Matthew 9:25, when Jairus’ daughter died, Jesus had to send everyone out of the room before He could raise her from the dead. Why didn’t He allow all those scornful sceptics to see the miracle with their own eyes? Because He had to cast the unbelief out.
Peter did the same thing in Acts 9:40: “But Peter sent them all out and knelt down and prayed, and turning to the body, he said, ‘Tabitha, arise.’ And she opened her eyes, and when she saw Peter, she sat up.” Jesus taught His disciples a lesson: Cast the spirit of unbelief out, and nothing will be able to stand against you. Demons, death, and even the most formidable mountains will obey your command.
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket
Investors often ‘diversify’ their investments because if one venture doesn’t work out, they want to have something else to fall back on. So a common idiom in the business world is, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” That means, don’t put all your resources into one investment because if one of your ‘baskets’ breaks and all your ‘eggs’ are in it, you will lose everything.
You see, if you are holding back some of your ‘eggs,’ it means you are not 100% confident that a particular basket will hold. You may be 50% confident or even 99% confident, but that small percentage of apprehension is what I am calling ‘unbelief.’ So how do you know when you’ve gotten rid of all the unbelief? When you’ve put all of your eggs into God’s basket.
A sin many ignore
I think many of God’s people don’t realise how sinister and dangerous unbelief is. Many pious and self-righteous Christians look down their religious noses at people committing other, more visible sins. They criticise them sharply without realising that the unbelief they harbour in their hearts, and in some cases enshrine in their doctrines, may be more wicked in God’s sight than the sins they are condemning. Jesus rebuked His disciples for unbelief more than any other thing. The reason unbelief is so dangerous is that not only is it a sin in itself, but it can also be a gateway for other sins as well.
Faith and unbelief do not mix
There have been many wonderful books written and many powerful sermons preached about faith. Indeed, faith is the currency of God’s Kingdom, and without faith it is impossible to please God (Heb 11:6). However, I think many people have a basic misunderstanding about faith. They pray and seek more and more faith. But what if I told you that you already have plenty of faith? The problem is not that you have too little faith; the problem is something else. What if I told you that your faith is already enough to move mountains? Many people will find this hard to accept, but it is very Biblical.
In Mark 9:24 a man said to Jesus, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” Notice that he didn’t ask Jesus to give him more faith. In fact, he said, “I do believe.” This man recognised that the problem was not too little faith but too much unbelief! Some people think unbelief simply means “no faith.” But it is possible to be an unbelieving believer. In other words, faith and unbelief could be present at the same time. Faith has the potential to move mountains, but unbelief will nullify the power of faith. Let me explain it like this:
Doubt will nullify your faith!  
When my wife was still in Bible college, her father bought her a very special gift: a car! It was a brand-new, silver diesel Volkswagen Jetta. It was a wonderful car that served us well for a long time. One day she lent the car to a friend. On his way to return the car to us, as a courtesy he decided to refill the tank. How he missed the bold red warning on the tank that said to use “diesel only” I will never know! His little mistake was costly for us and devastating for the vehicle. After the petrol was added, the car would no longer run. It’s not that there was too little diesel in the tank. The problem was the injection of a substance that was incompatible with the vehicle’s design. 
This is exactly how unbelief works. The devil wants to inject unbelief into our spirits because he knows it will bring us to a screeching halt. “But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind” James 1:6. 
Daniel Kolenda is the president of Christ for All Nations Ministries international. For more info: 0861 232 672  or www.sa.cfan.org.za

A Christian Response To The Refugee Crisis

What are the facts and forces behind the refugee crisis? What does the future hold? How should we as Christians respond? Our greatest priority on earth is to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love our neighbour as ourself. We are to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matt 6:33).  The Great Commission must be our supreme ambition. “All authority has been given to Me in Heaven and on earth. Go therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptising them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you…” 
Matt 28:18-20.  
We need wisdom and we need to pray
Obviously, Christians need to respond with love and compassion for genuine (legitimate) refugees and seek to not only show practical love in action, meeting immediate needs of those who have lost everything, but effectively evangelise and disciple nations. As our Lord Jesus Christ declared: “My house shall be a house of prayer for all nations.” 
This requires us to “understand the times” (1 Chron 12:32) in order to know what we ought to do. There is no virtue in gullibility and we need to be wise stewards of what the Lord has entrusted to us. Hospitality to strangers is a Biblical command. “If one of your brethren becomes poor, and falls into poverty among you, then you shall help them, like a stranger or a sojourner” Lev 25:35.
Love in action
The Lord makes it clear that we are to be His witnesses, both in our own Jerusalem, and our Judea (a similar culture close by), our Samaria (a different culture not too far away) and to the uttermost parts of the earth (Acts 1:8).  We are to cross borders, to let the earth hear His voice, to proclaim God’s Word to the nations, to put feet to our faith, to express the love of Christ in practical actions, on the ground, where people are, meeting desperate needs.  
The Lord describes the Day of Judgement not so much in terms of the evil that we have done, serious though that is, but in terms of the good that we failed to do. (Matt 25:41-43, James 4:17).  
Serving the suffering
There are hundreds of thousands of Christian missionaries reaching out throughout the world, in remote villages, in refugee camps, in conflict areas, on the streets and in informal settlements. There are a tremendous multitude of bold and Biblical initiatives to reach the unreached and care for the needy. In prisons and in hospitals, Christians are ministering to the sick, the lonely, the aged, the downtrodden, those trapped in alcohol and drug addictions, and those fleeing from violence and oppression. 
Christian ministries have provided vast quantities of practical aid on the ground for refugees in Iraq and Syria fleeing ISIS terrorists. Samaritans Purse, for example, provided 20 000 blankets, 3 800 baskets of food, 5 000 pillows, 
7 500 mattresses, 4 500 pairs of shoes and tons of other aid to refugees in Iraq last year. [As a Christian wanting to do the right thing, we would be best served to give to and to support, Christian ministries and missionaries working in these war-torn and persecuted nations]. 
Foreign aid through governments not only increases dependence, but [can often] foster an attitude of entitlement and lead to widespread wastage, abuse and corruption. [It has been reported that] the vast quantities of food, fruit, juices and other high quality, expensive, aid provided to Muslim migrants arriving in Europe is being thrown away untouched: evidence of the unworkable wastage of state welfare.
A hijrah hijacking…?
It is natural that Christians want to help those in a crisis. We seek to be good Samaritans, to reach out to those in need. However, there are [some well-informed people] warning us that what we are facing is not a refugee crisis, but a Hijrah. Hijrah (jihad by emigration), is to move to a new land in order to take Islam there. Hijrah is to emigrate for the cause of Allah. In Islam, the Quran declares: Hijrah is considered to be a highly meritorious act. A senior Imam, Sheik Muhammad Ayed, speaking at the Al-aqsa Mosque, in Jerusalem, declared that Muslims must use the migrant crisis to “breed with Europeans” and “conquer their countries.” 
An unpopular reaction…
Prime Minister Viktor Orban, of Hungary, recently declared [to much criticism in the media]: “We are not facing a refugee crisis, we are facing a migration crisis…let us not forget that those who are arriving have been raised in another religion, and represent a radically different culture. Most of them are not Christians, but Muslims. Is it not worrying in itself that European Christianity is now barely able to keep Europe Christian? If we lose sight of this, the idea of Europe could become a minority interest in its own continent.”
Demographic engineering
British author, Peter Hitchens, has written: “We will not save refugees by destroying our own country. I am amazed at how relaxed we are about giving [our countries] away…Mass immigration means we adapt to them [the Muslim refugees], when they should be adapting to us…
I can see neither sense nor justice in allowing these things to become a pretext for an unstoppable demographic revolution in which Europe merges its culture and economy with North Africa and the Middle East. If we let this happen, Europe would lose almost all the things which make others want to live here.”
Helping refugees in their own lands
British Prime Minister, David Cameron, has said that the United Kingdom must not only act with the heart, but also with the head. He pointed out that Britain, more than any other country, is helping the refugees with direct aid in the Middle East.  He also notes that Britain is currently not only fighting terrorism, but coping with the problem of economic migrants and humanitarian problems caused by a growing refugee population. 
The sharp decline of the birthrate of Europeans has been a direct result of the aggressive population control tactics, massive propaganda of overpopulation, promoting birth control, abortion, sterilisations and euthanasia. Now the massive influx of [predominantly] Muslim immigrants into Europe is being orchestrated to bring about a transformation of Europe into Eurabia. [It is believed by some critics that] by dramatically decreasing populations of those countries traditionally Christian, the goal is a dramatic change in demographics and the death of the West.  
Where are the Arab nations?
Danish Minister of Finance, Claus Frederiksen noted: “I am most indignant over the Arab countries who are rolling in money and who only take very few refugees. Countries like Saudi Arabia. It is completely scandalous.” Many have pointed out that Saudi Arabia has a well organised tent city of 100 000 air conditioned and fire proof tents which can comfortably accommodate 3 million people and which is only used for a couple of weeks each year for pilgrims coming on the Hajj. 3 million refugees could easily be housed in the tented city outside Mecca. However, to date, Saudi Arabia is not recorded to have taken in a single refugee from Syria.  
The formation of Eurabia…?
According to MuslimPopulation.com, Europe already has three countries with a majority Muslim population: Albania (79%), Bosnia (60%) and Kosovo (90%). France has 6 million Muslims (9.6%). Germany has 4 million Muslims (5%). 13% of Bulgaria are Muslim, 34% of Macedonia. 4.9% of Sweden and 5.7% of Switzerland. 4.6% of the United Kingdom is Muslim.  Muslims currently make up a total population of 56 million in Europe, 7.6% of the population.  That is excluding Turkey who are applying to be accepted into the European Union.  
Trying to sift true refugees from economic migrants taking advantage
Arthur Chrenkoff in the New York Observer has written: “Europe is experiencing a mass movement of people not seen since the aftermath of the Second World War. Unlike the end of the war, however, none of the masses currently on the move are European. As hundreds of thousands of people continue to arrive on Europe’s doorsteps and throng her roads and railway lines…the majority of the immigrants who have arrived in Europe so far this year are not Syrians. “ 
A head of a UNHCR camp called these refugees “the most difficult refugees I have ever seen…in Italy, Muslim African refugees rejected pasta and demanded food from their own countries…also mobile phone charging stations so that the destitute refugees can check on their Facebook accounts. It had to be done because the refugees in Italy were throwing rocks at the police while demanding free Wi-Fi. There is a tawdry sense of entitlement…  
“What is happening in Syria is a religious civil war fought over the same ideologies as the ones practiced by the vast majority of the refugees.  This is an Islamic war fought to determine which branch of Islam will be supreme. It is not a war that started last week, or last year, but 1400 years ago. We cannot make it go away by overthrowing Assad, by giving out candy or taking in refugees. This conflict is in the cultural DNA of Islam.”
Helping the true victims
“There are Christian and non-Muslim minorities who are genuine refugees, but the two Muslim sects whose militias are murdering each other are not victims, they are persecutors. [Many of] the refugees are not fleeing a dictator, they are fleeing each other while carrying the hateful ideologies, that caused this bloodshed, with them…”
Approximately 104 000 Muslim migrants arrived in Germany during the month of August. This means that 413 535 registered refugees have arrived in Germany, so far, in 2015. Germany expects over 800 000 to seek asylum this year. ISIS has claimed that they have already infiltrated over 20 000 of their jihadists into Europe so far this year. Saudi Arabia has offered to help by building 200 mosques in Germany. 
An indictment on Islamic nations
However, they have not been willing to receive any refugees themselves, nor are they offering any food, shelter, medicine, or jobs for these migrants. Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, all close to war-ravaged Syria, are not yet willing to house any of the Syrian refugees fleeing the conflict which they themselves are sponsoring.  
A balanced Biblical perspective
There are two extremes that we need to guard against: there are those who refuse to see the crisis. They say there is no problem!  Then there are those who panic and say there is no hope! Both of these extremes are false. We must recognise the problems – honestly and soberly. There is power in prayer. The Gospel is the power of God for the salvation of all who believe. How can any Christian say there is no hope? We need to make disciples of all nations, teaching obedience to all things that the Lord has commanded. We need to understand Islam and we need to evangelise Muslims.  
“God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” 2 Tim 1:7. Europe must be won back to Christ. May we stay faithful to His Word. 
By Dr Peter Hammond – Frontline Fellowship

Help – My Child Is Overly Sexual

Parents are frequently disturbed about signs of sexuality in their young children, and may approach therapists asking if their young children are too mature or overly sexual. Questions about sexuality are complex to answer, because they depend on the environment of the individual child and are determined by a number of specific factors. A parents’ greatest nightmare is that inappropriate maturity and knowledge is a sign of abuse. The only way to know with any certainty is to approach a professional, who can assist you with an appropriate diagnosis and treatment. However, this article should go a long way to answering your questions.
Emotional attachments in a child’s early years
As parents, we often consider our young child’s sexual development to be a long way off. And consequently parents are often ignorant of normal sexual development. Normal sexual development begins in a child’s very first years. Infants, toddlers, pre-schoolers and young school-aged child develop an emotional and physical foundation for sexuality in many subtle ways as they grow. Just as they reach important physical and emotional milestones, like learning to walk or recognise their mother and father, young children hit important milestones in how they recognise, experience, and feel about their bodies and how they form attachments to others. The attachments established in these early years help determine how they will bond and behave in intimate relationships in adulthood.
Babies’ earliest emotional attachments are formed with their parents through physical contact that expresses their love. Being held and touched, kissed and hugged, snuggled and tickled allows babies to experience comforting, positive physical sensations associated with being loved. The unique type of physical intimacy and emotional attachment between parent and infant can be the early foundation of more mature forms of physical intimacy and love that develop later as part of mature sexuality.
Curiosity is normal
Many parents express concern because their children touch their genitals during nappy changes or their baby boys have frequent arousals. They can rest reassured that these behaviours are perfectly normal physiological responses even the youngest children naturally explore their bodies. And many children, especially toddlers, enjoy being naked.
How you react, your voice, the words you use, your facial expressions are your child’s first lessons in sexuality. By not responding with anger, surprise, or disapproving words, you teach your child that this curiosity about his or her body is a normal part of life.
Understand gender identity and explain privacy to your child
By age two or three, a child starts to develop a sense of being a male or female. This awareness is called gender identity. Children at this age start to understand the difference between boys and girls, and can identify themselves as one or the other. Some people think gender identity is biologically determined and some say it’s a product of a child’s environment. Most likely, it’s a combination of both. 
By preschool, most children have developed a strong sense of being a boy or girl, and continue to explore their bodies even more purposefully. It’s not a good idea to scold them when they touch themselves, this will only prompt a sense of guilt and shame. Parents may, however, want to explain that even though it feels good, touching should be done in private. Pre-schoolers are old enough to understand that some things are not meant to be public. They’re also old enough to understand that no one, not even family members or other people they trust, should ever touch them in a way that feels uncomfortable. 
Your attitude will be observed by your child
The second way in which your child will learn inappropriate sexual behaviour is through modelling. Your young child will receive sexual cues from the environment; children at school will repeat things they have seen inadvertently at home. Your child may see snippets of X-rated movies, advertisements or music videos which are screened unedited during prime time television, and finally your pre-schooler will continue to learn important sexual attitudes from you – from how you react to people of the opposite sex to how you feel about nudity. While your child’s sexuality is developing appropriately s/he will appear happy and well adjusted. If he or she appears ashamed or embarrassed about their body, you may have cause for concern.
Protect them from inappropriate knowledge
Another potential source of misinformation is the internet, particularly if there are older children in contact with the younger child. Children, especially during adolescence, are naturally curious about sexuality and often turn to the internet to find information of this nature. While searching for information, they can be exposed to very graphic and potentially harmful material. Adolescents want to learn about sexuality and relationships, but do not have the experience to compare with some of the graphic material they come across. The result, as research has demonstrated, is that the material can end up being a teaching tool, as the viewing of it can potentially shape and influence a child’s development of values and their belief of what a healthy sexual relationship is.
Probably the greatest cause of concern for any parent is that the source of inappropriate knowledge may be as a result of sexual abuse of some kind. Child sexual abuse is defined as any interaction between a child and an adult (or another child) in which the child is used for the sexual stimulation of the perpetrator or an observer. Sexual abuse can include both touching and non-touching behaviours. Non-touching behaviours can include voyeurism (trying to look at a child’s naked body), exhibitionism, or exposing the child to pornography. Abusers often do not use physical force, but may use play, deception, threats or other forms of coercion to engage children and maintain their silence.
Signs of sexual abuse
There are many cases in which sexual abuse is asymptomatic, particularly where grooming has taken place. Grooming is where abusers employ persuasive and manipulative tactics to keep the child engaged. The adult may prepare the child for the abuse over a long period of time treat him/her as particularly “special”. These tactics may include buying gifts or arranging special activities, which can further confuse the victim. Sexual abuse may be asymptomatic where children have been coerced into silence. But, parents should be vigilant when

The child displays an inappropriate knowledge of sex
The child’s behaviour changes (suddenly becomes moody, aggressive or withdrawn)
There is physical evidence – blood in the underwear
The child avoids a family member or friend
The child’s self-esteem is low
The child misses school
The child starts bed-wetting
Adult displays grooming behaviour towards child
Child acts out sexually with toys
If there is physical evidence which may include complaints about pain, discharge or bleeding in the private areas, parents should seek medical attention immediately.

Pray for your child’s protection
In summation, a parent’s perception of inappropriate sexual knowledge may be grouped into three categories: lack of knowledge of developmentally appropriate sexual behaviour, a child’s modelling of behaviour they have observed on television, the internet or in adults around them and finally the possibility of molestation or abuse. 
If you continue to feel concerned in any way please contact a professional. You can call us at ICP on 011 827 7611. 
Estelle Zietkiewicz is a Counselling Psychologist and part time lecturer at the ICP. For counselling or enquiries about studies in Christian Psychology call 011 827 7611.