Every Bible book teaches about the Lord Jesus Christ, but the “I am” statements are among the most direct. Jesus often said “I am”, using the emphatic “I” to reveal something about Himself. This saying, which in Greek is the words egō eimi, can be translated as “I Myself am” or “it is I Myself”.
The gospel of John
There are twelve such statements in the gospel of John (excluding the duplicates). Most of these statements reveal Jesus as both the life-giver and God Himself. The first significant statement is “I am the bread of life” (John 6:35). It reveals Him to be the life-giver in that He is the bread which came from heaven to give life to all who believe in Him. It also reveals Him to be God in that He is identifying Himself with the Lord who called Himself “I am” when speaking to Moses at the burning bush (Ex. 3:14).
The book of Revelation
Like John’s Gospel, Jesus reveals Himself in the Book of Revelation with several “I am” statements as well. Let us consider the three emphatic “I Am” statements of Jesus in the last book of the Bible. Note how He reveals Himself as eternal God, Saviour, Judge, and King.
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