Today’s children are facing huge challenges to their faith that were not present even a generation ago. To be sure, we have always had to contend with the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. But what we are currently witnessing is a more direct assault on the faith of young people.
Various discipline methods have been outlawed both at home and at school, with the results of this shocking those of previous generations. Unfiltered and unmonitored social media is increasingly available to the very young. Children are no longer viewed as belonging solely to their parents, but are increasingly seen as belonging to both school and state.
Climate alarmism and other social justice causes now unashamedly see children as their target market. Within the teaching curriculum, a Christian worldview has been erased in favour of secular humanism. Christian young adults thus emerge from school completely oblivious to the uniquely life-changing impact of Christianity. Married couples are often spread thin, working long hours, and increasingly working in different localities, leaving Netflix as the stay-at-home parent. In all of this, we must ask ourselves: with everything they face, will the next generation be discipled to love and follow Jesus?
…to read these answers and more great content, pick up a copy of the latest issue of JOY, which is now on sale nationwide in all leading supermarkets!