Let’s Talk Prayer

We pray for a variety of reasons: it is a form of serving God (Luke 2:36-38) and obeying Him (Phil 4:6-7). We pray to demonstrate our faith in God, but most importantly, because Jesus did it. Prayers not prayed will be prayers unanswered. If the Syrian woman with the demon-possessed daughter had not prayed to Christ, her daughter would not have been made whole (Mark 7:26-30). If the blind man outside Jericho had not called out to Christ, he would have remained blind (Luke 18:35-43). God said that we do not have, because we do not ask (Jam 4:2)

 What Are The Keys To Effective Prayer?

  1. Is It Acceptable To Repeatedly Pray For The Same Thing?
  2. What Are Vain Repetitions?
  3. Is It Acceptable To Pray Aloud In Tongues During Corporate Prayer?
  4. How Can I Overcome My Fear Of Praying Publicly?
  5. To Whom Are We To Pray: The Father, The Son, Or The Holy Spirit?
  6. Why Do We Pray Before Meals?

…for the full article, including answers to these questions, pick up a copy of the latest issue of JOY, which is now on sale nationwide in all leading supermarkets!