The 2020 Summer Olympics, which took place in Tokyo between 23 July – 8 August 2021, was an unprecedented experience for athletes from around the world. With no crowds and no celebratory events, the Olympians strived to outperform each other and bring home medals for their countries.
Two such ladies achieved this feat for South Africa, bringing glory and honour not only to our beautiful nation, but also to their heavenly Father.
Tatjana Schoenmaker is a 24-year-old swimming dynamo, based in Pretoria. Not only is Tatjana a record-smashing Olympian athlete, but she is also a firm believer and follower of Christ. Tatjana swims with two caps on her head, one representing South African colours, and one underneath that is imprinted with the words, “Soli Deo Gloria” – Glory to God alone.
Bianca Buitendag is another phenomenal South African athlete. After winning the medal, Bianca shared a tribute, “Though I like to believe that I’m tough and independent, I want to acknowledge my Heavenly Father who has held my hand tightly through all these years, through the dark and scary.” said Bianca, who experienced devastation when she lost her father a few years ago…
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