As a nation we have cried, mourned, prayed, and fasted because of recent events in South Africa and the prolonged Covid-19 lockdown period. It is now time to arise and prepare to rebuild. God is looking for and bringing together Nehemiahs in this season who are ready to be used by Him to rebuild nations. Ungodly altars have been shaken from the roots in many nations and it is now time to rebuild according to God’s Kingdom patterns and blueprints.
In the Bible, Nehemiah was so burdened after seeing the ruins of the walls of Jerusalem that he was moved to pray and fast. God is looking for those with burdens for their nations and those who carry a passion to see their nations rebuilt in line with God’s Kingdom and redemptive plans. The Nehemiahs are sons (or daughters) of God who know how to steward their Father’s estate. They are a generation of sons who pursue the agenda of the Kingdom and not personal agendas…
…for the full article, pick up a copy of the latest issue of JOY, which is now on sale nationwide in all leading supermarkets!