Being unemployed is about as fun as finding a scorpion in your shoe. There’s a feeling of entrapment, sometimes desperation, trying to find a way to earn a living. This article provides some tips on how to ‘overcome’ your circumstances whilst looking for a job and waiting for your situation to change. Work is a Biblical principle, so it’s not God’s desire for you to be without work.
1 – Let your emotions out
You are probably experiencing an emotional firestorm inside you, especially if you were retrenched or fired. It’s important to deal with these fears and not bottle up how you are feeling. Trying to handle it on your own is corrosive to your health and inevitably makes matters worse. Find a trusted friend, family member, or pastor to speak to and let your emotional woes out. It’s particularly important to confess if you feel depressed, angry, hurt, hopeless, or even suicidal.
…for the full article, pick up a copy of the Sept issue of JOY!, on sale now.