Ancient Oils – Myrrh

Aloe (Agar Wood)
Santalum album
Hebrew meaning: Ahalim
Scripture references: Numbers 24:6; Psalms 45:8; Proverbs 7:17; Song of Solomon 4:14; John 19: 39
General properties: Relieves anxiety and brings a deep sense of peace. Aloe helps in stimulating the secretion of melatonin. It contains the fourth-highest concentration of Sesquiterpines, the oxygen bearing molecule that is responsible for deprogramming incorrect information in each cell.
Decreases nervous tension and stress
Great for cuts and wounds, acne, dermatitis
It helps in treating urinary-tract infections
Prophetic meaning:  My past has been redeemed.  Aloe highlights the gentle forgiving nature of Jesus. I love the fact it gives us all a clear message of hope. As you continue reading about Aloe you will notice that Jesus always turns our past into a purposeful future. So be blessed as you enter into the Aloe anointing.
Aloe oil is not from the typical ‘aloe vera’ plant we are familiar with. It is obtained from a fungal infection that attacks the “heartwood” of the Aquila tree. The infection causes the trunk and roots to secrete a resin which preserves the tree. The resin has a beautiful fragrance and is extremely valuable.The resin embedded wood is commonly called gaharu, jinko, aloeswood, agarwood, or oud and is valued in many cultures for its distinctive fragrance, and thus is used for incense and perfumes. It was believed in ancient times that it was the only tree descended to mankind from out of the Garden of Eden. Legend had it that Adam took a shoot from the garden and planted it where he settled and that every aloe plant originates from this shoot. Other names for it are Shoot of Paradise or Paradise Wood.
There is another mention of aloe in Numbers 24:6 “as the valleys are they spread forth, as gardens by the river`s side, as the trees of ‘lign aloes’ which the Lord hath planted as cedar trees beside the waters.” The word for aloes in this context in Arabic means” little tents”. This word was derived from the small tent-like capsules from the lign aloe tree. The symbolic picture speaks of the blessing coming for the Bride. We, like Israel are blessed of the Lord and He comes to marry us to His Son who is preparing a tent or bridal chamber next to His Father’s house for us. This is confirmed in John 14: 1-2, “I go and prepare a place for you and when it is ready, I will return for you.” Throughout our preparation time here on earth, the Holy Spirit comes along side us and helps us to “make ourselves ready.” He does this by revealing Jesus and His perfect and complete gift of grace to us. He lavishes us with many gifts and provides us with strength to surrender into His powerful hand of surgery and healing.
An “infection” can come in many forms. We are all infected by sin and God provided the blood of His Son to turn our infection into a treasured fragrance. The Bible says that we are a fragrance unto Christ. Jesus paid a very high price for our sin….He came and took the sinful, sick, diseased nature out of us and gave us a new valuable identity. He continually transforms us to become a sweet smelling aroma unto God.
“Our lives are a Christ-like fragrance rising up to God. But this fragrance is perceived differently by those who are being saved and by those who are perishing.” 2 Corinthians 2:15. We often experience seasons where our choices and decisions influence our lives negatively, or the sovereign hand of God allows us to go through trials and tribulations for the purpose of strengthening our faith in the finished work of the cross. God understands our human limitations and the daily struggles we are challenged with. The solution to this “re-infection” is to bring it under grace. God’s plan is to keep us in relationship with Him. He took our sin that was destine to destroy us, and placed it all upon Himself. We should never allow the trials we are challenged with to overcome us. We have been given everything we need in Christ to be more than over-comers. As I reflect back upon my life, I realize that I could have allowed the “re-infections” over the course of my life to have destroyed the greater purposes God had waiting for me. Allow me to encourage you; Jesus came to give you life, abundance and fulfilment in all you do. Continue reading and discover the wonders of His great love.
Aloe is mentioned 4 times in the Bible:
Numbers 24:5, 6″How beautiful are your tents, O Jacob, your dwelling places, O Israel! Like valleys they spread out, like gardens beside a river, like aloes planted by the LORD, like cedars beside the waters. He shall pour water from his buckets, and his seed shall be in many waters.” We are like aloe trees planted by the Lord. He created us as His master pieces and is constantly restoring us back to our original state. We are watered by Him and can only survive in and through Him.
Psalm 45:8 “All your garments are scented with myrrh and aloe and cassia” This piece of scripture is preceded with, “You love righteousness and hate wickedness; therefore God, Your God has anointed you with the oil of gladness more than your companions.” The love we are encouraged to have for Jesus will instil in us a walk of righteousness. It will be a relationship filled with gladness because we become aware of the magnitude of His grace toward us. Once the reality of our destiny without grace becomes fully known to us, we cannot help to be in awe of His mighty hand of love toward us.
Proverbs 7:17 “I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes and cinnamon” A bed is a place of rest. We enter into the anointing of His peace and rest, through learning to trust Him in all circumstances.
Mark 20:39 “….bringing a mixture of myrrh and aloe, about a hundred pounds . . .” Jesus was embalmed with aloe, signifying that He came to conquer the effects of the “infections” that come to steal and rob us. He overcame the curse of death on our behalf. This is why the “infections” we experience in life will offer resurrection life to us if we choose to surrender our lives to Him.
Aloe reminds me of my own life in many ways. I remember desperately searching for love, acceptance and recognition. I made unhealthy choices in relationships. I compromised my moral standards which lead me to feel more and more guilt and dislike of myself. Have you ever looked into the mirror and wondered who you are looking at? I knew that I was doing harm to myself, yet shortly after deciding that I would never allow myself to walk this path again, I found my footsteps tracing back into the same direction. Have you felt like you are going around the same track over and over again? Have you noticed a pattern in the way you have lived your life?
To enter into the aloe anointing, means surrendering into God’s plans for your life. It requires trusting God to turn your PAST into a FUTURE. Only God can turn the ‘infection’ into a sweet smelling balm. Nothing you have tried or are hoping to try will satisfy the thirst you have for meaning and deep gratification. Only the unconditional love of Jesus, who took me into His loving, and forgiving arms, even though I felt ‘dirty and unlovable’, was able to change my life forever. Everything else I tried only gratified my flesh for a season. Jesus came and took me as I was, and gave me hope again.
You may experience days of weakness and find yourself falling back into your old patterns. Remember, God is patient and kind. He will pick you up and allow you to try again. He is always willing to go the extra step with you. People may say you are ‘hopeless’, or you will never make it. God says, “When you are weak, I am strong, when you can’t, I can”. The Bible teaches that there is no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the desires of the flesh, but after the Spirit. God sees your heart and knows the ultimate plans He has for you. God has intended you to be a winner and so you are in Him. Allow God to come and overcome the infection of temptation. You are safe with Him! I know that making a choice to change unhealthy habits is easier said than done. I made so many new, New Years’ resolutions and failed dismally. This only made me feel worse and more of a failure. In Numbers 24:6, God describes Israel as aloes planted by the Lord! “Like valleys that stretch out, like gardens by the riverside, like the aloes planted by the Lord, like the cedars beside the waters.” Aloes is one of the eight trees in scripture mentioned by name, which the Lord has planted.
The anointing of aloe encourages me, because I am reminded by the Lord that it is He who has planted me. He has planted me securely in Him, to be adorned in His robe of beauty and gladness. Psalm 45:7, describes this garment of joy as having a fragrance of aloe, cassia and myrrh. The aloe anointing, amongst other properties, grants comfort, freedom, victory and the mantle of praise.
I received enormous peace as I began anointing myself with aloe, because the revelation of God planting me for a purpose, gave me rest from trying to create my own destiny. I realized that I was planted by God for His pleasure. In the new covenant we have been made righteous and so my own efforts to become more worthy or make myself feel better before God were all in vain.
The aloe trees infection becomes the most precious oil or balm. This is hard to understand when we try and apply this theory to our own lives. Most of the time we try so hard to keep our pain hidden and away from others. I know from my own life, I was embarrassed about my self inflicted illness of anorexia and also the embarrassing path of failed relationships, and two unsuccessful marriages. My life was not an attractive tapestry, yet God looked at me through His eyes of love and much greater potential. As you are reading this, perhaps you are feeling as though your life has nothing to boast about or perhaps you have achieved all you have dreamt of, but are dismally unhappy. God has made a plan for you, and it is a plan that requires no ‘work’ of your own. It only requires a relationship of trusting Jesus and the finished work He has done for you.

A Prayer of Purification:
Father, I surrender myself to You. I declare that I have been planted by You as an tree of righteousness, to display Your splendour and not my own. Forgive me for trying to achieve my own sense of worth and recognition. I surrender my successes and my failure to You, and ask for You to turn my ashes into beauty and give me a crown of beauty for Your honour and glory. Father please come and reveal the deepest lies that have held me in bondage, so that I may surrender to You everything that has kept me from receiving the fullness of Your gladness and joy. I receive this anointing of truth into my life and declare that the truth according to God’s word shall set me free. Thank you for your truth and I receive Your blessings which You have stored up for me in heavenly places. In Jesus Name Amen
 -Naomi Sheneberger