7 Things To Consider Before Emigrating

The exodus of people from South Africa is alarming. The reason? Rampant crime, collapsing standards in education and health care, and a bleak economic future are the reasons given by many who have left and others who are contemplating packing their bags for greener pastures. Before you decide to pluck up your roots and head into the horizon, however, some important issues need to be resolved.
The best place to begin our quest for answers to this sensitive question is to reflect again on the sovereignty and greatness of God. The Bible teaches that God’s purposes will stand whatever we do and that He will do exactly as He pleases (Isaiah 46:10). In Daniel 4:35 we read these words: “He does as He pleases with the powers of heaven and the peoples of the earth.” This constitutes a problem for us because He does not always explain Himself.
…For the full article, pick up the December issue of JOY – Now on sale!