We are in a time of history when most people don’t have time for the Birth of Jesus, or even His death or resurrection. We have time for entertainment, for sport, for our jobs, for our friends – but little time for Jesus. The really wise people of our generation know that He can be found if we truly seek after Him. Our communion with God is drowned out by the loud clamour of the world, the flesh, and the devil. In our efforts to be politically correct we find ourselves conformed to the patterns of the world, the opinions of the world and the behaviour of the world. Do you know Christ? Have you met Him personally? Has He changed your life? Why not come today and have a real encounter with the living Jesus? Christians, are we worshiping Christ as we should? Does He have His rightful place in our lives? Do we offer to Him that which is worthy of the King of kings? Wise men and women still seek Him.