What Does God Say To Single Mothers?

The Bible does not directly address single mothers, but there are many examples of God’s gentle interaction with women, mothers, widows, and their children. These examples, and God’s gentleness, apply whether a mother is single, married, widowed, or divorced. God knows each person intimately and knows her situation completely.

The Bible warns that sex outside of marriage is sinful and dangerous and will bring troubles, one of which is that a woman might have to raise a child by herself, which is undoubtedly difficult. And if it is her own sin that has resulted in single motherhood, our gracious God is still just as willing to bring help and comfort. And what’s better is that He offers forgiveness for those sins through Jesus Christ and the eternal comfort of Heaven for the mother who accepts Him, the children who accept Him, and even the estranged husband/boyfriend who accepts Him!

…For the full article, pick up the May copy of JOY, on sale now.