Tips To Create a Peaceful & Relaxing Garden

Over the last two years, stress levels in South Africa have risen by a whopping 56%. This is attributed to the pandemic – which affected our lifestyle, and especially our mental health. Stress, if unaddressed, ultimately affects our physical health, and it can lead to severe diseases such as heart complications and high blood pressure. Thus, the need to find ways to slow down and relieve tension cannot be understated.

One way to do so is to immerse yourself in nature and commune with God, thus allowing yourself to retain your sense of wonder and care for His creation. You don’t have to go far to do this, too; if you have a garden or a patio, you can make a space that is perfect for meditation and communing with God. Here are some steps that you can take to create a peaceful and relaxing garden…

…for the full article, pick up a copy of the latest issue of JOY, which is now on sale nationwide in all leading supermarkets!