The Ongoing Benefits Of Pentecost

Acts 2 records the history of Pentecost, that wonderful event with tongues of fire, bold Gospel witness, and amazing church growth. We rejoice for what happened at Pentecost, now almost two thousand years later. But what lasting spiritual benefit does Pentecost have for us today? Today we should follow the example of the church in Acts 4. We learn from their unshaken spirituality and biblical prayer. We pray earnestly for revived faith, boldness in witness, and to be filled with the Spirit of Christ (Eph. 5:18, Luke 11:13). We are united in worship and studying God’s Word, carefully applying it to our contemporary situation, and calmly confessing confidence in our Sovereign God. So with Christ’s church, we continue praying: “Now, Lord, look upon their threats and grant to your servants to continue to speak your word with all boldness.” – Acts 4:29

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