Dear Friend,
Throughout John chapter 15, our Lord emphasises the extreme importance for believers to abide in His love. Why is this? Simply put, all good things flow from a revelation of His love for us. In the above two verses, a direct link is made between abiding in His love and experiencing authentic joy. For those who have a true revelation of His love for them, joy is an automatic by-product. Are you lacking in joy? Seek not joy, but rather to know His love. It is in the depths of this knowledge that true joy abides. When the fruit of the Spirit is listed in Galatians 5 v 22, love is placed first and foremost, before joy, peace and the like. Love precedes joy, the existence of the latter being dependent on the presence of the former. Dear believer, allow His love to overwhelm you. Joy will follow, like a rising tide.
Yours in Him,
Tamryn Klintworth
Despite our sin, we are loved unconditionally by God. This is possibly the greatest mystery for us to fathom. For Nosipho Mthimkhulu, this moment happened at our recent MARIANNHILL Crusade.
When hearing about our upcoming crusade in her area, her heart leapt, realising that this was her time to be make right with God. She knew that if she came, her life would change for good.
Having suffered from arthritis for the past 3 years, Nosipho needed healing, but what she needed more than healing, was acceptance. Living a sinful life was starting to weigh her down and she knew that she needed to make things right with God. She needed to ask Jesus to forgive her and to come into her heart.
Coming to the realisation that she was loved by Jesus, was the most beautiful moment for Nosipho. “I was touched by the sermon when the evangelist said that Jesus loves me,” she cries. “After accepting Jesus as my Lord and Saviour, I felt so much joy.” Confident of her forgiveness and freedom, she was happy. “I am so happy and I know that I am now cleansed from sin. That is God’s sign to me that I have been forgiven,” she said with joy in her voice.
When asked what she wanted to do with her life now that she was saved, she simply responded, “I am willing to change the life that I lived and serve Jesus for the rest of my life.”
Tamryn is the founder of In His Name Ministries, an evangelistic organisation dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout Africa and the world. Find her on Facebook under Tamryn Klintworth or visit the ministry website at: