Errol Naidoo is one of the most effective Christians I have ever encountered. He is passionate about God’s call on his life, he is driven to inform Christians of the issues that are facing us, and he is bringing the truth of God’s word out in South Africa. Errol is fighting on the frontlines for our faith, often finding himself in parliament amidst leaders who are making critical decisions that affect us.
Errol is a man to be inspired by, as he humbly leads and runs the Family Policy Institute (FPI). FPI believes marriage and the family is the foundation of civilisation, the seedbed of virtue, and the wellspring of society. FPI endeavours to shape public debate and formulate public policy that values human life and upholds the institutions of marriage and the family. Believing that God is the author of life, liberty, and the family, FPI promotes the Judeo-Christian worldview as the basis for a just, free, and stable society.
…for the full article, pick up a copy of the September issue of JOY, which is now on sale nationwide in all leading supermarkets!