Allan & Janine Bagg Celebrating 28 years of ministry

In this dark world that is full of depression, anxiety, and fear – our faith needs to be rooted in God’s Word and His promises for our lives. He has a calling and a destiny for us – we need to tap into this and stand firm on His call. One such power couple who are standing today in complete faith are Allan and Janine Bagg, founders and senior pastors of The Bay CFC in Somerset West.

We had the privilege to interview them, and were blown away by their testimonies – giving full honour and glory to God for how He has guided them, carried them, and blessed the work of their hands. Today, Apostle Allan and Pastor Janine run one of the most influential churches in this nation.

…for the full article, pick up a copy of the latest issue of JOY, which is now on sale nationwide in all leading supermarkets!