Astronauts viewing our planet from afar marvel at the extraordinary beauty of our glistening planet. It hangs like a jewel in space amongst billions of galaxies and is nourished only by a paper thin atmosphere. Earth, our home, is fragile, yet a superbly lush oasis amidst a harsh and unsympathetic universe. Our planet is uniquely alive and comprises complex ecosystems dependent on interacting species. It consists of finite resources with infinite possibilities. This unfortunately creates the opportunity for gross mismanagement and can plunge the earth into irreversible chaos.
Ali Tabrizi, a British filmmaker, recently produced a documentary for Netflix and he highlights this dilemma. In a shocking and riveting exposé, Seaspiracy, he reveals the disgraceful, corrupt, and inhumane multibillion dollar fishing industry that is driving the world into an ecological nightmare. It is one of the hardest films I have ever watched, and I had to hold back tears as the filmmaker took me on a voyage around the earth. Through his camera lens we see the devastating result that greed, cruelty, and selfishness has on God’s creation…
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