The Octopus: Intelligent, Evolution-Defying, Master of Camouflage

The documentary, My Octopus Teacher – the story about a man’s unique relationship with an octopus – has gripped the imagination of the world. The unique encounter between an octopus and Craig Foster tugged at many a heartstring. In the documentary, the octopus lifts the veil to the secrets of her world and leaves one amazed at how wonderfully intelligent this strange eight-legged animal is. How sad that despite the obvious wonder of God’s creation unfolding before Craig’s very own eyes, he does not acknowledge his Creator’s handiwork in this animal’s intelligence, but rather gives evolution the credit…

…for the full article, pick up a copy of the latest issue of JOY, which is now on sale nationwide in all leading supermarkets!

South Africa’s God-Fearing Evangelist Israel Taylor

A passion for the lost, a heart to know more of the Lord, and a desire to see nations turn to Christ – Israel Taylor is a Bloemfontein-born evangelist who is on a mission to share the Gospel with everyone he encounters. Over the previous two pages you have read the testimony of Elisée and Sarah Yao – pastors at Divine Restoration Ministries. Israel runs the evangelism office of this ministry, sharing the love of God with everyone he comes into contact with…

…for the full article, pick up a copy of the latest issue of JOY, which is now on sale nationwide in all leading supermarkets!

Planet Earth is Sacred, a Gift From God

Should we be concerned when Christian leaders ignore and even resist environmental protection? Is this not a blindspot; a faultline running across our Christian faith practice that needs reform?

Why did American historian Lynn White claim that the Bible is “the ideological basis for the arrogant and aggressive domination of nature, which has led to ecological destruction?” Did Christians give her the impression that dominion theology justifies the objectification and exploitation of nature and its non-human inhabitants? Where does this damaging attitude towards God’s creation come from in Christian circles? 

…for the full article, pick up a copy of the latest issue of JOY, which is now on sale nationwide in all leading supermarkets!

What does the Great Apostasy and the Falling Away mean?

The Bible indicates that there will be a “great apostasy” during the end times. The great apostasy is mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2:3. The KJV calls it the “falling away,” while the NIV and ESV call it “the rebellion.” And that’s what an apostasy is: a rebellion, an abandonment of the truth. The end times will include a wholesale rejection of God’s revelation, a further “falling away” of an already fallen world…

…for the full article, pick up a copy of the latest issue of JOY, which is now on sale nationwide in all leading supermarkets!