God – Father to the Fatherless

God – Father to the Fatherless
“Let your character or moral disposition be free from love of money (including greed, avarice, lust, and craving for earthly possessions) and be satisfied with your present (circumstances and with what you have); for He (God) Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. I will not, I will not, I will not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let you down (relax my hold on you)! Assuredly not!  (3 times “I will not” – God our Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.)”
ON THE 15TH OF DECEMBER 2000, André (my husband and the father of my two sons) was admitted to the heart and lung division at Medi Clinic. He had over 2 litres of water in his lungs. It was a shock to us. The doctors thought it was TB, and a bisection of his lung was done early the next morning. André was released after 3 days, and with the water drained out of his lungs,  felt a lot more comfortable. André had just started a new job after being unemployed for about 7 months. We had no medical aid, policies etc. Financially it was devastating – we sold everything possible to cope with the financial burden. On the 4th January 2001, the doctor called and requested we see him – the laboratory results were back. We sat across the desk as he told us the news. André was diagnosed with Mesothelioma of the right lung. (The worst form of asbestos cancer – and it was taking over his whole body.)
We went straight from the doctor to our area Pastor and started to pray, believing and trusting God for healing. We are members of a local church where the uncompromised Word of God is taught,  so we know that God is our Healer, our Salvation, our God and our Father.
What transpired thereafter was a five month battle – physically, spiritually and emotionally. We were transferred to a provincial hospital for further treatment as we no longer had the financial means to pay for expensive doctors. I sold our second car, our computers and our CD’s in order to survive. I worked day and night, nursing André and trying to earn a living. Our boys were then 4 and 7 years old. I am an artist and started drawing pictures for galleries – dropping my prices substantially for immediate cash. Life was like a rollercoaster. Days would fly by – physically I didn’t feel the tiredness anymore because God would just supernaturally strengthen me every day. The burden of feeding our children, paying the rent, and coping with all the side effects of the chemotherapy was part of a daily routine. Our church members were a blessing, always helping us, bringing food just in time. Friends helped with the payments on my smaller car to prevent the bank from repossessing it. André lost an average of 30 kg a month. Church members prayed daily both with us and for us.  I was ridiculed by strangers who heard about our situation – “Would you still believe in God if André died?” was one of the many questions that I was asked. I can only say that: God’s Word never changes, it is the Truth. Circumstances may change, we might not understand why things happen, but God’s Word is clear on the fact that God gives life, healing, prosperity, protection and above all, grace and love.
I became a warrior – fighting for my husband’s life, standing up for the Truth, not compromising on the words that we spoke. God is our only Lifeline. We experienced many miracles; our landlord reduced our rent, my pictures would sell in the galleries, and the doctors were amazed that André could still breath – even though both his lungs were completely taken over by the cancer. Eventually he became too tired to fight. The physical pain and the burden he carried of not being able to care for our family was too much for him. And, that was how he went home. I cried out to God, “Where now? What now? Where do I start?”
Do I still believe in God? YES, more than ever! He has bought us with His blood, and life doesn’t stop when our physical bodies die. My sons witnessed everything and because of that have an understanding of God’s Word and eternal life. André didn’t die, he is living an everlasting life with God!
We  moved in with our home-cell leaders who graciously took us in and cared for us.  They loved us through all the agony of losing our loved one. We became covenant friends, our children bonded and there were never any offences or disagreements.
I believed and trusted God to help us. As the new Head of our home I had to trust God for our finances.  With God as our High Priest we wanted to be a blessing to others instead of a burden. He says clearly in His Word that He is now my Husband, and the Father of the fatherless. Three months later I could afford a tiny garden flat, the size of a double garage. We had lots of fun – taking turns to sleep on the floor because we could only fit in 2 small beds. I discovered that little boys kick a lot when they sleep. Armand, the younger, had to bath in a plastic basin as he was scared of the shower and there wasn’t a bath. We were drawn closer together, and God became our Provider, our Source and Comforter.
After three months, I was contacted by a parent at Reinhard’s school. They had an old stable on their farm that had been converted into servants’ quarters, and invited us to stay there free of charge. What a miracle! God had made a way for us.  A little hard work, a good clean-up, some fresh paint made it our home for 18 months. At the beginning of 2002 I started to work at a  University.  One year later I was completely debt free.  God’s Word isON THE 15TH OF DECEMBER 2000, André (my husband and the father of my two sons) was admitted to the heart and lung division at Medi Clinic. He had over 2 litres of water in his lungs. It was a shock to us. The doctors thought it was TB, and a bisection of his lung was done early the next morning. André was released after 3 days, and with the water drained out of his lungs,  felt a lot more comfortable. André had just started a new job after being unemployed for about 7 months. We had no medical aid, policies etc. Financially it was devastating – we sold everything possible to cope with the financial burden. On the 4th January 2001, the doctor called and requested we see him – the laboratory results were back. We sat across the desk as he told us the news. André was diagnosed with Mesothelioma of the right lung. (The worst form of asbestos cancer – and it was taking over his whole body.)
We went straight from the doctor to our area Pastor and started to pray, believing and trusting God for healing. We are members of a local church where the uncompromised Word of God is taught, so we know that God is our Healer, our Salvation, our God and our Father.
What transpired thereafter was a five month battle – physically, spiritually and emotionally. We were transferred to a provincial hospital for further treatment as we no longer had the financial means to pay for expensive doctors. I sold our second car, our computers and our CD’s in order to survive. I worked day and night, nursing André and trying to earn a living. Our boys were then 4 and 7 years old. I am an artist and started drawing pictures for galleries – dropping my prices substantially for immediate cash. Life was like a rollercoaster. Days would fly by – physically I didn’t feel the tiredness anymore because God would just supernaturally strengthen me every day. The burden of feeding our children, paying the rent, and coping with all the side effects of the chemotherapy was part of a daily routine. Our church members were a blessing, always helping us, bringing food just in time. Friends helped with the payments on my smaller car to prevent the bank from repossessing it. André lost an average of 30 kg a month. Church members prayed daily both with us and for us.  I was ridiculed by strangers who heard about our situation – “Would you still believe in God if André died?” was one of the many questions that I was asked. I can only say that: God’s Word never changes, it is the Truth. Circumstances may change, we might not understand why things happen, but God’s Word is clear on the fact that God gives life, healing, prosperity, protection and above all, grace and love.
I became a warrior – fighting for my husband’s life, standing up for the Truth, not compromising on the words that we spoke. God is our only Lifeline. We experienced many miracles; our landlord reduced our rent, my pictures would sell in the galleries, and the doctors were amazed that André could still breath – even though both his lungs were completely taken over by the cancer. Eventually he became too tired to fight. The physical pain and the burden he carried of not being able to care for our family was too much for him. And, that was how he went home. I cried out to God, “Where now? What now? Where do I start?”
Do I still believe in God? YES, more than ever! He has bought us with His blood, and life doesn’t stop when our physical bodies die. My sons witnessed everything and because of that have an understanding of God’s Word and eternal life. André didn’t die, he is living an everlasting life with God!
We  moved in with our home-cell leaders who graciously took us in and cared for us.  They loved us through all the agony of losing our loved one. We became covenant friends, our children bonded and there were never any offences or disagreements.
I believed and trusted God to help us. As the new Head of our home I had to trust God for our finances.  With God as our High Priest we wanted to be a blessing to others instead of a burden. He says clearly in His Word that He is now my Husband, and the Father of the fatherless. Three months later I could afford a tiny garden flat, the size of a double garage. We had lots of fun – taking turns to sleep on the floor because we could only fit in2 small beds. I discovered that little boys kick a lot when they sleep. Armand, the younger, had to bath in a plastic basin as he was scared of the shower and there wasn’t a bath. We were drawn closer together, and God became our Provider, our Source and Comforter.
After three months, I was contacted by a parent at Reinhard’s school. They had an old stable on their farm that had been converted into servants’ quarters, and invited us to stay there free of charge. What a miracle! God had made a way for us.  A little hard work, a good clean-up, some fresh paint made it our home for 18 months. At the beginning of 2002 I started to work at a  University.  One year later I was completely debt free.  God’s Word is so clear on how we should live. I would like to thank my senior Pastors, Allan and Janine Bagg for always teaching the uncompromising Word of God. Financial principles on tithing, offering, partnership etc. form the basis of our family’s budget. We tithe as a family on everything.
Now, five years later, I look at my sons and see two gorgeous young gentlemen. I have entrusted my boys to God to nurture and grow into strong men.  I am amazed every day at just how God supplies our physical needs and how He places men in my two son’s lives to mentor them. Our area Pastors Ingo and Tracey Muller, play a major role in our lives. The boys love and respect Ps Ingo because of his exemplary life. We also have other friends who invite Reinhard to rugby. Other friends invite us to go camping with them – the boys love jumping off high cliffs into the water.  Others invite us on 4×4 trail rides. My boys have been blessed with activities that others possibly just dream about. If not for these kind invites my boys would never have these opportunities.  Not the sort of activities a single mom can offer.
We have experienced so many wonderful things through God’s Grace. Besides these wonderful faithful friends, I am blessed with wonderful colleagues at work and my children have excellent teachers at school. Our children’s church Pastor always encourages my sons. I count it a blessing to be part of a local church. We are surrounded by people who not only listen to the Word but ‘do’ it. Whenever a need arises God brings  people across our path to help. It doesn’t matter what that need is – God always sends help. His safety net is always there to catch us. Sometimes I wonder how and what I should pray for when in difficult situations, but before I even ask, God  sends someone to help. How awesome and good is our God!
“Your Father knows the things you have need of, before you ask Him.”  Matt. 6:8.  I feel so blessed wherever I go, God just grants His favour in every situation of my life.  I am so grateful.
Another blessing is that we live in a flat opposite the boy’sschool and this has made my life easier, what with all the different school activities.
God gave me a Scripture to hold on to at the beginning of my walk as a single mother.  “Let your character or moral disposition be free from love of money (including greed, avarice, lust, and craving for earthly possessions) and be satisfied with your present (circumstances and with what you have); for He (God) Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. I will not, I will not, I will not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let you down (relax my hold on you)! Assuredly not! (3 times “I will not” – God our Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.)”  Heb. 13:5
The knowledge and revelation that God takes care of us leaves us with only one thing to do – to live our lives according to His Word. I encourage other single parents to seek God first in everything. Surround yourselves with people who have wisdom and the true knowledge of God’s Word. Get involved in a local church, be part of a family, and join a home cell.
Yes, there are many days when there seems to be no future, where life feels like a battle just to survive, but this is when the love and grace of God just surrounds us. Focus on what the Word of God says. Someone once asked me: “How can you always say you are well when you’ve lost your husband and you are working so hard to cope with everything?” My answer was that the knowing that God is our Father, that He is our Provider, our Everything; is the reason it is well with us. It doesn’t matter what is wrong, what is needed, our hope and faith is in God.”   It is a total shift in focus  placing your hope and faith in what God can do and not in the negative things that satan is trying to do.
I’d like to see the Church (that is every Christian) making an effort to reach out to single mothers and fatherless children.
Our society also needs Godly men to get involved in school and church activities displaying a positive male figure, teaching and helping not just the fatherless children but all children. Become an inspiration to others by doing things God’s way. We as Christians can do so much more to help each other. Let us therefore be true followers of Christ.


I HAVE HEARD IT SAID THAT THE teachings of most of the world’s religions can be summed up in one small word: “Do.”  “Do this and do that, and perhaps God (or the gods) will be merciful to you.”
Only Christianity says: “Done!”  The last words of Christ on the Cross were: “It is finished.” – John 19:30. In Greek the expression is “Tetelestai!” -“It is accomplished!”  Christ has paid it all. 
There is nothing you can do to attain salvation, because Christ has already done it all.  Every pagan religion in the world sings this hymn: “Something in my hands I bring.”  Only Christianity says, “Nothing in my hands I bring.  Only to the Cross I cling.” 
The only thing that remains for you to do is accept by His grace what Christ has done for you – the salvation He offers you.  Salvation, you see is by grace and grace alone. 
God Almighty has given His own Son to endure the requirements of justice, to pay the legislated penalty, to suffer infinitely in our stead.   And now all those who come to God empty-handed, abandoning all trust in their own goodness and clinging to Christ’s Cross, will be granted mercy.  You will be adopted into His family, allowed to adopt His Name, given a place in His will, and allowed entrance into Paradise.  That is the wonder of grace. 
Sadly, the vast majority of people today – if they have heard the Gospel at all – have it back to front.  They may even be Christians, in that they have surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ and trust in His atoning sacrifice on the Cross to cover their sins.  And so, while they have salvation and an eternal place with God, they seemingly have no power in their lives to live as Christians now, glorifying God with righteous living.  This situation exists today for too many believers because they have reversed something about the Gospel.  And so they are left with frustration, failure, shame and guilt, wondering why the message of the Gospel “won’t work” in their real experience.

The Ten Commandments are the foundational Laws of righteous living given to us by the Almighty.
The Bible contains basically two elements: Law and Gospel.  Unless we get these in the proper relationship, one to another, we will not find ourselves in right relationship to God.  Our life will not “work” and our Christian experience will be marked by frustration and failure.  For those who have not even recognised God’s Laws for the good advice for living they contain; for those who have broken the Law of the Living God who made us – which is every one of us – God nonetheless offers His mercy and His grace. 
God welcomes us, who hated and rebelled against Him, as His own sons and daughters…if we will come and bow before Him and confess our crimes of rebellion.  Then is the gift of eternal life ours.  The good works of man have never been “enough” to cover the sin and rebellion of man.  Only the sacrifice of Jesus Christ – His Blood shed on the Cross – has been enough to pay for our atonement. 
Only after you and I have received the gift of eternal life…only after we have trusted utterly in Christ’s sacrifice for us, and nothing else…only after having been redeemed…only after we have been adopted into the family of God, do we find that the commandments of God show us how we may please our Father, who has done this great thing for us.
Constantly, I hear frustrated, defeated Christians saying such things as: “Well, I’m trying to keep the commandments.  I’m doing the best I can.”  The Laws of God are there simply to show you how to be a ‘good’ Christian.  That is, how to please and bring glory and honour to God.
If you have not entered into a covenant relationship with God, accepting His offering of love – which is the Blood of Christ – then no amount of ‘acting’ will make you His, no matter how ‘good’ you may behave.
For those who have entered the covenant relationship with God, through faith…getting in right order the relationship of the Law to the Gospel is also incredibly important.  If we do not, our lives will be needlessly marred by a sense of striving, frustration, and condemnation…when what we are offered, as a blessing, is peace with God.  Before the first words of command were uttered to us, God said:  “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage…” – Exodus 20:2.  He is, first and foremost, God.  And He is our God, if we bow the knee to Him.  Then as He commands us, there is an implicit “therefore.”  “You shall have no other gods before Me” – Exodus 20:3.
In all of the world religions, man endeavours to reach up and somehow find God.  Only in Christianity, however, do we find God reaching down to man.
Grace has been poured out by God to bring us to Himself.  Without grace, we cannot come.  And without grace, we cannot continue with Him.  Grace is that wondrous gift given to those who have nothing to pay; to those who do not deserve it at all.
God, the Judge of all the earth – who is not only Judge, but Sovereign Ruler as well – extends mercy and pardon.  That is grace.  He also extends to us help…the grace to live righteously according to His Laws.  That is grace also.  It is the whole wondrous news of the Law and the Gospel together.  When we try to live by the Law first, we kill the real work of grace within.   The Law is our condemnation,  the Gospel of grace is our salvation.  The Law condemns, the Gospel justifies.  The Law convicts, the Gospel of grace relives.  The Law says “Do”, the Gospel says “Done.”

DR. JAMES KENNEDY is the Senior Pastor of  Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church and the President of the Evangelism Explosion International.

Fathers who Build Confident Kids

Fathers who Build Confident Kids
Congratulations, you have decided to have kids. You are tired of having clean furniture and a tidy house.  You need a new challenge in your life and it seems like such a great idea and    besides the neighbours have kids and you are not about to be outdone by the people next door. 

THOUSANDS OF BOOKS, ARTICLES AND OTHER forms of instructional media are available to guide the new father on the path of fatherhood.  Many provide conflicting advice whilst promising outstanding results.  The new father is faced with the decision as to the advice he will follow realising that he has only one shot at this project. There is no second chance to raise a child.
Where do you begin?  God did not leave you in the dark as to how to raise your children. He provided a comprehensive manual describing in detail, how to nurture, develop and raise your children.  Your children will need to grow, physically, mentally and emotionally to be all that God destined them to be. 
As a dad, you have the awesome privilege and responsibility of overseeing this process.  Your responsibility is to ensure your children are raised being certain of having the ability, judgement and resources that they need to succeed.  You want the very best for your children. You have great plans for their future and plans for their success. Will this result in them growing up to be the confident, well adjusted individuals that God intended for them to be?  Do you need some help in raising confident kids?  Let’s get to work then, there is no time to lose!
Realise that your children are individuals
Children are different, it is God’s idea. Observe families and you will be amazed how children born into the same family can be so different in nature, temperament and appearance.  This is quite normal.  Let’s check the manual and make sure we are still on track here.  Psalm 139:14-16 reassures us that this is no factory defect but rather it is part of the master plan. “I praise you because of the wonderful way you created me. Everything you do is marvellous! Of this I have no doubt.  Nothing about me is hidden from you! I was secretly woven together deep in the earth below, but with your own eyes you saw my body being formed. Even before I was born, you had written in your book everything I would do.”  Remember, God never says “Oops”.
Children are different, it is God’s idea. Observe families and you will be amazed how children born into the same family can be so different in nature, temperament and appearance.  This is quite normal.  Let’s check the manual and make sure we are still on track here.  Psalm 139:14-16 reassures us that this is no factory defect but rather it is part of the master plan. “I praise you because of the wonderful way you created me. Everything you do is marvellous! Of this I have no doubt.  Nothing about me is hidden from you! I was secretly woven together deep in the earth below, but with your own eyes you saw my body being formed. Even before I was born, you had written in your book everything I would do.”  Remember, God never says “Oops”.
Without boundaries, your children cannot evaluate if they are doing the right thing or not.  Set boundaries and you allow your children to develop self discipline.  The word ‘discipline’ is an emotive topic in modern society.  It is important to remember that discipline is not something you do TO your child, it is something you do FOR your child. For safety let us check the manual again.  Proverbs 23: 13-14:
“Don’t fail to correct your children. You won’t kill them by being firm, and it may even save their lives.”
Bill Cosby said he didn’t know the secret to success, but the secret to failure is: 
a)   Listen to everything people say or:
b)  Listen to nothing people say.
Discipline can be viewed in the same way. As a father you can choose:
a)  To always discipline or
b)  Never discipline.
The secret lies in finding the balance. You need to apply discipline without destroying the self esteem of your children. Here is a great tip: Praise your children in public and discipline in private.
Give your children assurance and affirmation
During the formative years, your children see you as their hero and a source of wisdom.  This will change as they become teenagers so use the opportunity to make sure you lay firm foundations.          
Speak positive words over your children.
Be on the lookout daily for reasons to praise them.
Never open your mouth without engaging your brain. Think before you speak.
Realise that your every word has a permanent impact on their lives.
They want your approval and encouragement.
Sticks and stones do limited damage compared to the negative words spoken to our children – those hurts are INTERNAL.  Keep your words positive.
Allow them to make mistakes in a safe environment
Here is a secret.  Surprising, yet true, your children will make some mistakes during training. Your response to their mistakes is critical. It will determine their confidence in later years.  Reassure them that making mistakes is OK by:

Making their mistakes part of the learning process.
Turning the mistakes into lesson opportunities.
Not becoming judgmental or comparative when dealing with mistakes and  avoiding saying things like “Why can’t you be like your brother?”
Helping the children take responsibility for their actions without creating a disciplinary situation.
Controlling your anger, temper and frustration at what has just happened.
Helping them to understand the consequences of their actions.

Teach your children the importance of absolutes
You will be raising your children in a society that denies the existence of absolutes.  A healthy understanding of right and wrong will be an asset to your children in the future.  Truth is not relative.  If you place your finger in an electric outlet you will get electrocuted, even if you firmly believe that you will not.  Instruct your children correctly or they will be lured into an ‘If it feels good, do it’ culture.  This will result in disaster down the road.  Perhaps we should check the Manual on this one just to be sure.  Proverbs 22:6 says “Teach your children right from wrong, and when they are grown they will still do right.” 
Help your children develop a sense of destiny and an understanding of the terminal point of life.  Without a beginning and an end, the journey is meaningless.
Help them to accept themselves for who they are
Peer pressure sets us up to try and be somebody that we were never meant to be.  We see the portrayal of the perfect specimen in the media and we set off on a trail that leads to disappointment and destruction.  We have already discovered that God planned our lives before we were born and the way we look is not a mistake.  Some are short, some tall, some are thin others are less thin. The reality is that you need to help your children to accept themselves for who they are.  Do not make the mistake of ignoring the peer pressure that your children will experience.  Through the channels of school, neighbourhood, music, fashion, television and movies, your children’s perception of who they should be may become blurred.  Take time to reinforce God’s master plan for their lives and reassure them that God made them as they are on purpose.
Make time to be their best friend
Here is a vital component of your role as father.  In the busyness of life, you may be tempted to take short cuts when it comes to spending time with your child.  They look to you as a mentor, a confidant and a friend. If you are not there for them, they will find a substitute and this is usually where things go wrong.  A myriad diversions are waiting to take your place as their friend.  Drugs, alcohol and inappropriate relationships are just a few of the alternatives to your friendship.  Take heart, they all come a distant second to you and if you make the time you will discover that the results are well worth the effort.
Well, isn’t it time for you to take the controls now?  You can make a difference in your child’s life today, and remember if you forget something, it is all in the “Manual”!

The Da Vinci Delusion

The Da Vinci Delusion
Based upon the international best selling novel, ‘The Da Vinci Code’, written by Dan Brown, which has sold over 29 million copies, the new Hollywood film is bound to be a blockbuster hit.  DR. JAMES KENNEDY CALLS THE NOVEL: “AN EXTRAORDInarily deceitful weaving together of fact and fiction” that takes advantage of the historical and Biblical illiteracy of most readers.  “The average person is abysmally ignorant of history and, unfortunately, also ignorant of theology.  Knowing very little about the Bible the vast majority of film goers would not have the faintest idea what part of this book is fact and what part of it is fiction.  And that makes it particularly dangerous.”
Steeped in Pagan Ideology
Dr. Ted Baehr, of the Christian Film and Television Commission, states that: “Brown’s book is well plotted and fast paced.  But, it is also full of factual inaccuracies and historical revisionism… the book also totally immerses readers in pagan ideology.  From fertility cults and idolatrous rituals to tarot cards and astrology, from nature worship and satanic symbols to goddess cults and the ‘divine feminine’ this book is full of pagan propaganda.  If the movie accurately reflects the book, then the product will be a blasphemous, heretical indoctrination of pagan ideology… ‘The Da Vinci Code’ is bad news for hurting people who need Salvation…this fictional filth will deceive and turn away millions who need Salvation that is only found in the fully man and fully God person of Jesus Christ who died and was resurrected for their sins.  This is not just a lie, this is deception and is condemning millions of people to eternal damnation.”
Dr. Ted Baehr describes ‘The Da Vinci Code’ as Hollywood’s counter attack against the phenomenally successful ‘Passion of the Christ’.  He says that it is essential that Christians avoid purchasing the book or seeing the movies. “If Christians unite and avoid this movie, then its box office gross will suffer.  People of Faith will be sending a loud, clear message to the film makers, that we do not want this type of filth and garbage in the media.”
The Da Vinci Code is a complete fabrication
Dr. Paul Maier, Professor of Ancient History at Western Michigan University, has stated: “There is not one ranking scholar in the entire world who supports what Dan Brown has done with history.  As a professor of Ancient History, I can’t stand known, accepted facts from the past lied about.”
‘The Da Vinci Hoax’ is one of about 15 books published to answer Dan Brown’s mega bestseller, which has been on the New Times best selling list for 3 years.  Sandra Miesel, Co-Author of ‘The Da Vinci Hoax’, states: “Everything in ‘The Da Vinci Code’ is wrong, except Paris is in France, London is in England and Leonardo Da Vinci painted pictures.  All else is fabrication.”
Would you die for a lie?
‘The Da Vinci Code’ is a fiction novel, but it claims to be based on facts.  ‘The Da Vinci Code’ tells people that the New Testament is false testimony.  However, the New Testament was sealed with the blood of the Apostles.  Each of the Apostles suffered excruciating persecution, tortures and martyrdom.  Would you die for a lie?
Dan Brown, in ‘The Da Vinci Code’, claims that prior to the Council of Nicea in 325 AD no one believed that Jesus was Divine.  The doctrine of Jesus as the Son of God was created by the pagan Emperor Constantine, in the 4th Century, for the purpose of manipulation: “It was all about power.”
However, Ignatius (writing 105 AD), Clement (150), Justin Martyr (160), Irenaeus (180), Tertullian (200), Origen (225), Novatian (235), Cyprian (250), indeed all the early Church fathers taught the Deity of Christ.  The earliest Christian Creed was: “Jesus is the Lord” 1 Corinthians 12:3.  The same word used for Yahweh is “Kurios” in the Greek translation of the Old Testament, The Septuagint, is used for Christ in the New Testament.  Actually, the Emperor Constantine had absolutely nothing to do with the foundational church teaching on the Deity of Jesus Christ.
Manipulative and Cunning
Sandra Miesel thoroughly refutes ‘The Da Vinci Code’ in her book. “Everyone Loves a Conspiracy,” she acknowledges, however Brown’s characters are as “thin as plastic wrap.”  She acknowledges the “barrage of codes, puzzles, mysteries and conspiracies,” but notes the “improbable action” which has been written “in a particular way best calculated to attract a female audience. (Women, after all, buy most of the nation’s books).”  He has made a thriller plot to fit a romance novel technique.  “Notice how each character is an extreme type…effortlessly brilliant, smarmy, sinister or psychotic as needed, leaning against luxurious, but curiously flat backdrops…. Brown has fabricated a novel perfect for a ladies’ book club… his extensive use of fictional formulas may be the secret to Brown’s stardom.  His anti-Christian message can’t have hurt him in publishing circles…by manipulating his audience through the conventions of romance writing, Brown invites readers to identify with the smart, glamorous characters…blasphemy is delivered in a soft voice with a knowing chuckle: ‘Every Faith in the world is based on fabrication’.”
Willfully ignorant of fact
Sandra Meisel notes Brown’s sources: ‘The Gnostic Gospels’, ‘The Goddess in the Gospels: Reclaiming the Sacred Feminine’, and ‘The Woman’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets’, “The use of such unreliable sources belies Brown’s pretensions to intellectuality…but despite Brown’s scholarly errors, a writer who thinks the Merovingians founded Paris, and forgets that the popes once lived in Avignon is hardly a model researcher. For him to state that the (Roman Catholic) Church burned 5 million women as witches shows a willful – and malicious – ignorance of the historical records.  The latest figures for deaths during the European witch craze are between 30 000 to 50 000 victims.  Not all were executed by the (Roman) Church, not all were women, and not all were burned.  Brown’s claims are not only false, but betray his goddess-friendly sources.”
“Brown’s treatment of Gothic architecture as a style full of goddess worshipping symbols and coded messages to confound the uninitiated… masterminded by the Knights Templar…these bizarre interpretations betray no acquaintance with the actual development or construction of Gothic architecture and correcting the countless errors becomes a tiresome exercise.  The Templars had nothing to do with the Cathedrals of that time… his wild distortions of documented history are only matched by his outlandish claims about controversial subjects.  But to a post-modernist, one constructed reality is as good as any other…Brown’s approach…seems a salad of a story,…for a gullible mass market audience.”
“Brown’s treatment of Mary Magdalene is sheer delusion…Brown likewise misrepresents the history of the Knights Templar.  The oldest of the military religious orders, the Knights were founded in 1118 to protect pilgrims in the Holy Land…In the end, Dan Brown has penned a poorly written, atrociously researched mess… ‘The Da Vinci Code’ takes ‘Esoterica’ mainstream…In making phony claims of scholarship, Brown’s book infects readers with a virulent hostility toward Christianity.  Dozens of occult history books, conveniently cross-linked by Amazon.com, are following in its wake.  Book sellers shelves are now bulged with falsehoods few would be buying without ‘The Da Vinci Code’ connection.”
Even Christians are confused
Westminster Theological Seminary has launched a robust website dedicated to presenting a factual response to the claims in Dan Brown’s runaway best seller and the movie, ‘The Da Vinci Code’.  Contributor John Garlow comments: “Never has a work of fiction spawned so much confusion and debate in the public square…Many committed Christians…are confounded by this book, and it’s not the lack of faith that trips them up; it’s the lack of knowledge about Christian history.”
Find out the truth
To find out more about ‘The Da Vinci Code’, Dr. Ted Baehr of Movieguide recommends this site: (www.thetruthaboutdavinci.com).  “This site adds accuracy credibility, and scholarship to the discussion.  It is an excellent online resource.  Bravo!”
Dr. Bill Edgar, Professor of Apologetics at Westminster, comments: “We want to provide a repository of thoughtful, Biblically based and historically accurate information…in a culturally relevant manner.”
Dr. Ron Rhodes, Professor at Biolo University, has written a 23-page analysis of ‘The Da Vinci Code’. Dr. Rhodes concludes that: “Even though Dan Brown claims his book is based on fact, his ‘facts’ turn out to be sheer fiction.  His theory is based on bogus documents; he misrepresents and misinterprets history and theology; he is willfully guilty of revisionism; he uses poor logic, he often makes misstatements; he engages in wild exaggerations and speculations; and hence – understandably – he draws faulty conclusions.  Crash goes ‘The Da Vinci Code’!”  Dr. R.C. Sproul, of Ligonier Ministries, describes ‘The Da Vinci Code’ as “pure fabrication.”
Erwin Lutzer, in his book: ‘The Da Vinci Deception’ cuts through the quasi-historical fiction of Dan Brown’s ‘Da Vinci Code’ with the historical facts about the origin of the Christian Faith.
Opportunity for Evangelism
‘The Da Vinci Code’ book and film provide Christians with an excellent opportunity for evangelism.  While people are discussing this fictitious story, which turns reality on its head, you have, with proper research, the opportunity to put the record straight and present the facts of history and the truth of Scripture.  “See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” Ephesians 5:15 – 16

Dad – More Than Just a Breadwinner

Dad – More Than Just a Breadwinner
UNTIL FAIRLY RECENTLY, FAMILY AND parenting literature tended to idolise motherhood and dismiss fatherhood. However, “the recent shift in family research [is] toward the perception of fathers as major contributors to both child and adult development” (Mary Pickard, 1998).  Society is finally waking up to the fact that fathers are vitally important to the healthy development of their children. Their role goes far beyond the traditional stereotype of the father as the breadwinner.
Research shows conclusively the benefits for children of healthy father-child relationships. According to George Rekers, Professor of Neuropsychiatry and Behavioural Science, Research Director for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and Chairman of the Faculty in Psychology at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine, a positive and continuous relationship to one’s father has been found to be associated with a good self-concept, higher self-esteem, higher self-confidence in personal and social interaction, higher moral maturity, reduced rates of unwed teen pregnancy, greater internal control and higher career aspirations. Fathers who are affectionate, nurturing and actively involved in child-rearing are more likely to have well-adjusted children.
The devastating consequences of unhealthy father-child relationships are equally well documented. In boys, the absence of the father has been linked to both increased aggressiveness and increased femininity. Maritsa van Loggerenberg, a social worker at St Albans Maximum Security Prison in Port Elizabeth, estimates that perhaps as many as 90 percent of all the inmates she works with grew up without a father figure.
Although the media often focus on the negatives, the past few decades have also witnessed some positive changes in the way the father’s role is perceived.
The traditional image of a father as an emotionally distant breadwinner and a strict disciplinarian has given way to a father figure who has a nurturing role to play in raising children. As Christians, we applaud and embrace this positive shift.
The Word of God never reduces fathering to a single function or a single metaphor, but it does highlight some important roles fathers need to embrace. I would like to touch on five of these.
The Dad as pastor
Theodore Hesburgh first said the words that have become a counselling slogan: “The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.” As important and true as this advice is, the Word of God puts something else above it— “the most important thing a father can do for his children is to love the Lord with all his heart, Deut 6:4-5 and “teach his children to do the same.”  Deut 6:6-9
When a father takes the lead in loving and serving God, his children are likely to follow. A study conducted by the Christian Business Men’s Committee found that when the father is an active believer, there is a 75 percent likelihood that the children will become active believers. However, when only the mother is a believer, there is only a 15 percent chance that the children will serve the Lord.
As Christian fathers, we are called to be pastors in our homes—men who passionately love and serve Jesus, ministering to our families and leading them in devotion to the Lord.
The Dad as life coach
Instruction, especially of sons, is also a father’s responsibility. Fatherly instruction includes teaching children the ways of God, Deut 6:4-9, but it should also include training in practical life-skills—good manners, work ethics, moral values, relating to women, family finance and business acumen. (See Prov 1-9) Fathers need to be life-coaches.
The modern pitfall is for fathers to hand over their coaching role to the Church, the school or even the television. Feeling hopelessly ill-equipped to serve as ‘life-coaches’, we leave it to the ‘trained professionals’. But in so doing, we fail to realise that to our young children, we are almost like God. Your daughter hangs on every word you speak. Your son believes everything you tell him.
To your children, you speak with authority second only to God’s. God ordained it this way because He has given you the role of ‘life-coach’.
Some fathers confuse coaching with criticising. I remember watching a television interview with a world-class sportsman. When he was a child his father drove him relentlessly to improve. After each school match his father would take him to the park, point out every mistake he had made and drill him until sunset practising to do better. “Most boys get butterflies in the stomach before the game; I got them afterwards,” he recalled. “Facing my father was more stressful than facing any opposing team.” God calls us to be coaches, not critics—to build up, not to break down.
The Dad as encourager
Every boy longs for his father’s affirmation, every girl for his approval. Mom is a sure thing. Her approval is easy to attain. But dad…his is harder to come by, and how we yearn for it. As a boy, I desperately needed my dad to be proud of me. I lived with the sense that he was—and it filled me with courage and confidence. A close friend of mine, too, longs for her father to tell her she’s beautiful and he’s glad she’s his daughter. She’s never sensed his unconditional, wholehearted approval and acceptance—and how her heart aches for it.
John Eldredge, author of ‘Wild at Heart’, believes every boy needs his father to tell him that he has what it takes to make it as a man; every girl needs him to tell her that she’s beautiful, worthy to be loved. If they don’t get this affirmation from him, they’ll seek it elsewhere, often with devastating consequences.
No matter how old we are or how far we’ve drifted from our fathers, we still yearn for their approval. A Spanish father’s relationship with his son had become so strained that the boy ran away.  His father set off to find him. He searched for months, but to no avail. Finally, in a last desperate effort to find his son, the father put an advert in a Madrid newspaper. The ad read: “Dear Paco, meet me in front of this newspaper office at noon on Saturday. All is forgiven. I love you. Your Father.”
At noon that Saturday, 800 Paco’s showed-up seeking their father’s love and approval!
Part of a father’s God-given mandate is to affirm his children. We must let our sons know we’re proud of them—they’re the best sons in the world and they have what it takes to be real men. Let’s make our daughters feel like princesses, beautiful and worthy of pure love.
The Dad as law enforcer
Discipline is an aspect of a father’s love that our generation is in danger of losing. My pastor recently returned from a visit to the UK shocked by the lack of discipline among the children.  The Bible says, “He who loves his son is careful to discipline him.” Prov 13:24.  As loving fathers, part of our role is to establish and enforce appropriate rules. As much as it tears at our hearts—and it should—failing to discipline our children will break our hearts later.   After years of dealing with rebel teenagers, the police department in Houston drew up a list of ‘Rules for Raising Delinquent Children’. The list included…
Begin with infancy by giving the child everything he wants. In this way, he will grow up to believe the world owes him a living.
When he picks up bad words, laugh at him. This will make him think he’s cute. It also will encourage him to pick up other phrases that will blow off the top of your head later.
Pick up everything he leaves lying around—books, shoes and clothing. Do everything for him so he will be experienced in throwing all responsibility onto others.
Let him read any printed matter he can get his hands on. Be careful that the silverware and drinking glasses are sterilised, but let his mind feast on garbage.
Take his part against neighbours, teachers and policemen. They all are prejudiced against your child.
We must reject cruel, ruthless, authoritarian discipline, but if we neglect appropriate discipline we fail to love our children God’s way. Children flourish when their father loves them enough to set Godly boundaries and enforce them with care and consistency.
The Dad as companion
Given a choice, our children will take time with dad over toys. They want us more than our gifts. And let’s not fool ourselves—quality time means quantity time. Quality moments happen naturally when we set aside time just to spend with our children. Charles Francis Adams, the 19th century political figure and diplomat, kept a diary. One day he entered: “Went fishing with my son today—a day wasted.” His son, Brook Adams, also kept a diary. On that same day, Brook wrote: “Went fishing with my father—the most wonderful day of my life!” Time spent just being with our children may feel like time wasted, but eternity may show it be the investment of time that yields the greatest of all returns.
A study at Cornell University showed that the average father spends 38 seconds per day being totally attentive to his children’s needs and about 20 minutes a day being partially attentive. The same children spend 54 hours per week watching television. Another study indicated that the average church-going teenager spends only two minutes per day in dialogue with his/her father. Twenty-five percent of these same teenagers say they have never had a meaningful conversation with their father, that is, a conversation that focused on their interests.
Our children need us to be there for them—to listen to them, to laugh with them, to just be with them. They need us to say, by the way we invest our time, that they are our highest priority, more important than the newspaper, the garden, the rugby, than work or even than church activities.
I have only touched briefly on the Biblical role of a father. I could have added many other facets—the father as protector, provider, prayer-warrior—but if we as fathers embrace these five roles, what an investment we shall make in the lives of the children God has entrusted to our care.