Contacting mediums, consulting witch doctors, wizards or some other occultic practitioner, dabbling in sorcery, the ouija board game/ “glassy glassy”, horoscopes, fortune telling, certain forms of allopathic or alternative medicine or modalities of healing like yoga, and acupuncture are all part of the kingdom of satan…
Category: July 2016 Issue
In God We Trust
The Christian life consists of blessings and battles, and we can anticipate both in the years ahead of us. I trust that there will be more blessings than battles, but anyone who believes that there won’t be battles, on a personal, national, or international level, is deceived…
How To Respond When Your Faith Is Mocked
We should not be shocked when non-Christians mock our beliefs. Jesus was mocked when He was crucified, and He told us that people would hate us because we follow Him. This is the high cost of being a disciple. When we embrace Christianity, we give up the hope of being popular. I don’t live for the world’s approval, and it’s crazy to expect people who have not had a personal encounter with Christ to respect my faith or applaud my morality…