The Bible does not explicitly speak on the topic of ‘mental health’; however, it does have a lot to say about the heart and mind, spiritual brokenness, and the condition of the soul. Mental health is important, as it affects the whole being: “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” – Proverbs 4:23
The world is in a fallen state (Gen 3). Sin separates us from God (Isa 59:2), corrupting creation as it groans for freedom from its state of decay (Rom 8:21-22). The fall of mankind has had physical ramifications for the body and spiritual effects on the soul. Mental health is not guaranteed any more than physical health is, and, like the body, the mind can get sick or injured.
The Bible has many passages that speak indirectly of mental health. The Lord is the One who renews the mind (Rom 12:2) and restores the soul (Psa 23:3). God has given His children “a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control” – 2 Timothy 1:7, ESV. We have Jesus’ promise of peace (John 14:27) and rest (Matt 11:28). And, of course, there are many scriptural injunctions to “fear not” and to bring our anxieties to God (Isa 41:10; Matt 6:34; Phil 4:6; 1 Pet 5:7)…
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